2023 Akron Voter Guide: View candidates for school board, council, clerk of courts (2024)

Akron Beacon Journal

Welcome to the 2023 Voter Guide produced by the League of Women Voters and Akron Beacon Journal with funding from the Knight Foundation.

The Nov. 7 election in Akron features eight candidates seeking three seats on the Akron Board of Education, two contested City Council races and another for Akron Clerk of Courts.

Early voting is taking place at the Summit County Board of Elections Early Vote Center, 500 Grant St., Akron.

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Responses are not edited, vetted or corrected by the League of Women Voters or Beacon Journal to allow candidates to speak in their own words.

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2023 Election: Summit County Voter Guide

Akron Mayor

Write-in candidate Nathaniel Green is challenging Democratic nominee Shammas Malik.

Akron Council-at-Large

Elect three candidates.

Cynthia D. Blake


Education: University of Akron, 1981

Training/Experience: Public Policy Analyst*Community & Economic Development*Social Action Leader -Successful work history with top banking institutions that concentrated on increase of minority mortgages and commercial loans. Special interest in criminal sentencing reform, Autism legislation and public policies.

Website: www.MakeNoMistakeVoteForBlake.com

Why are you the best candidate for the office? I am uniquely qualified because serving people is my passion. I have dedicated my life to aiding this community through seeking resolution to public schools, neighborhood and community concerns. My public policy analyst experience and fiscal planning background position me as qualified to best address the many issues and challenges with our beloved city. Thus, I am asking for the support of City of Akron residents to cast their ballot for me. Voters will be acting in the best interest of our community by voting for Cynthia D. Blake.

What is your vision for economic development for your community over the next ten years? To revise the current property taxes abatement program to include existing resident's and senior citizens incentive programs. Have taxes abatement program for businesses that locate in Akron for their employees that promote homebuying in the City of Akron. Make the Akron-Canton Airport an international airport for cargo export and import. Assist in removing contractor barriers on current home improvement program for more local sub- contractor participation. Sub-contractors that specialize in electrical, plumbing, heating and carpentry should not be forced to be a general contractor they should be allowed to bid on sections or parts of the bid for work that applies to their specialty. Find ways to create employment opportunities. Lastly, research profitable way for Akron residents to have affordable transportation to and from Cleveland Hopkins airport.

What are the most significant issues facing your community and what ideas do you have to address these issues? Safety! Safety! Safety! We must always review ways to restore public trust in local enforcement and support law enforcement with necessary resources. I would support legislation for the Law Director to be an elected position. This would give the citizen of Akron more oversight than this position being appointed. We have high unemployment, crime, substandard housing and drug problems that plague our communities. I would support initiatives and proven record programs of success. In addition, Natural resources are very valuable to are community and we have to respect the natural resources of are community while balance need for growth and expansion.

Vyrone Finney

Education: Master of Science Education

Training/Experience: Licensed Realtor

Current Occupation: Real Estate

Why are you the best candidate for the office? Honestly, I am the candidate who will represent our citizenry, all of them. I possess all the skills and experience that the people are looking for. I'm pretty confident that I am the best candidate for this council role. It's not just my background in the past projects, but also my people skills, which will be applicable in this position.

What is your vision for economic development for your community over the next ten years? Most development economists agree that the key stages of development are related to three different transitions: a) a structural transformation of the economy, b) a demographic transition, and c) a process of urbanization. Structural transformation as a distinctive feature of economic growth that occurs when a sustained period of rising income and living standards coincides with changes in the distribution of economic activity across three broad sectors of an economy—agriculture, industry, and services. Demographic transition is a long-term trend of declining birth and death rates, resulting in substantive change in the age distribution of a population. Urbanization refers to the concentration of human populations into discrete areas. This concentration leads to the transformation of land for residential, commercial, industrial and transportation purposes.

What are the most significant issues facing your community and what ideas do you have to address these issues? Based on the latest poll, public safety and crime (89%), K-12 education (75%), availability of quality housing (73%), availability of affordable housing (72%); and racial justice and equality (71%). Economic issues (70%) were next. Police reform was at 62%. A safe community attracts good people, thus increasing educational outcomes. Education is the key component to assuring our community is safe, if the school's are safe, our community is safe. Affordable housing is also crucial for the city's success. Hosting housing workshops with lenders and other stakeholders will help educate our community. Retaining our college graduates and attracting young future leaders will also benefit the city. Lobbying for jobs by attracting corporations to our area. Setting up Small Business development and networking opportunities for future business owners. Finally, I will help ensure the city has a citizen review committee to ensure safety and accountability for the Police Department.

Jeff Fusco


Education: Attended the University of Akron. graduated from Akron St Vincent St Mary. leadership Akron Class 23.

Training/Experience: Real Estate Appraisal coursework. American Society of Appraisers dual designation in Real Property Urban and Ad Valorem

Website: www.votejefffusco.com

Why are you the best candidate for the office? I believe my experience in the administrative and legislative sides of the Akron government helps me as a council person. This qualifies me uniquely as understanding how to get the work done and legislating to improve the lives of all Akron residents. I have worked with council members, the administration, community leaders, nonprofit organizations, and residents to enhance the quality of life in Akron. I have always worked on listening to advocates on both sides of an issue. I have always believed in balance and striving to set aside my preconceived notions and biases before making decisions before deciding and committing to a point. People who know me know that I have always believed in continuous improvement. I plan to work harder and strive to represent Akron even better than before. I think post-pandemic has worn on all of us. It's affected all of us in one way or the other. Patience and thoughtfulness are needed more now than ever. I plan to bring that with me for the next term.

What is your vision for economic development for your community over the next ten years? We in Akron are very resilient. However, to prepare for the future, we must work with our educational institutions to prepare Akron for what's next. Both primary and secondary education will help us prepare. What's next is advanced manufacturing. This is needed as AI (Artificial Intelligence) will soon drive the Smart City. We in Akron build things. Therefore high-level advanced manufacturing will help us compete in the global market. This needs to be discussed and promoted in the city of Akron and embraced by all of Akron. We must also be more socially and environmentally conscious and intentional moving forward. Akron must invest in education, infrastructure, and marketing to compete globally. Akron's residents need to champion this effort, as well as Akron's leaders.

What are the most significant issues facing your community and what ideas do you have to address these issues? Akron's most significant issues are Public Safety, Quality of life, and Job Creation. Public safety is top of mind when considering National illegal gun regulations are lacking. I have worked with are police department to remove illegal guns from Akron Streets. I believe the quality of life continues to be a concern. Akron needs to be more socially and environmentally conscious moving forward. As our city moves forward, more attention needs to be addressed, and more open-mindedness should be considered when listening to the younger voters of our town. Listening to our younger residents is pivotal in attracting and keeping younger residents and families. Referencing job creation, please see #2.

Eric Garrett


Education: University of Akron, University of Cincinnati, University of Massachusetts, and National American University

Training/Experience: U.S. Army Veteran, Claims Rep for Social Security Administration, Business Owner (Beyond Expectations Barber College, Legends Barbershop, Kids Academy 2 Childcare, Eric Garrett Construction)

Website: EricGarrett.com

Why are you the best candidate for the office? As a lifetime member of the community, I have experienced and seen a lot of struggles. I love this city and I believe I can bring a new, fresher perspective to city government and be the voice the people need. As a successful business owner of over a decade, I know our city and I have what it takes to build working relationships. As a former employee of social security and a business owner, I have served this community for over 20 years, and I am ready to lead Akron into the future.

What is your vision for economic development for your community over the next ten years? As a business owner over 10 years, I have been aiding in the push for economic development in our city by helping over 200 students graduate and obtain their license and become employed. With my seat on council, I plan on continuing those efforts on a much larger scale.

What are the most significant issues facing your community and what ideas do you have to address these issues? The City of Akron has struggled with unemployment rates for several years. I believe that I can help with job creation and education in the City of Akron. Studies show gun violence is increasing in Akron at an alarming rate. I would like to address the spike in the violence by spreading awareness to the concern and education on gun control. I plan to create allies within the Akron Police Department and communities to reduce violence within the city. Research suggests that quality housing is a major concern in Akron. There is a scarcity of availability in affordable housing. A lot of the available housing in Akron are in poor condition and have been considered “not cost effective” to update. I want to work to increase housing support for everyone, including Veterans and citizens coming home from incarceration. Lastly, I believe it is very important to engage our youth and young adults, they are our future! We must keep them involved & engaged so they know their voice matters!!!

Linda Omobien


Education: M. A. in Community Counseling

Training/Experience: 40+ years in Social Services/Behavioral Health Care

Website: lindaomobien.com

Why are you the best candidate for the office? I have spent more than 30 years in public service, in various capacities: 16 years as a School Board Member, serving as President/Vice President multiple times, & Chairing almost every committee; have spent the last 14 years serving the citizens of Akron on City Council, Chairing & Co-Chairing Economic Development; Planning; Health & Social Services; Budget & Finance; & Rules. During my tenure I have always placed the needs of the citizens first & we've made a lot of progress in many areas. I understand the issues that citizens care about and I haven't been afraid to ask the tough questions, and be held accountable by the citizens. Additionally, I work in a Behavioral Health Organization where I'm the Chief Clinical Officer, overseeing critically important services for individuals suffering from serious mental health, physical health, and substance abuse issues. All of these experiences have provided me the opportunity to connect with the needs of our citizens.

What is your vision for economic development for your community over the next ten years? My vision is to stay engaged with the citizens to create an environmentally safe progressive city with jobs, housing, parks, EV stations, and ensuring that critically needed services are readily available. We will need to continue to examine our housing stock, to make sure everyone can reside in safe, affordable homes in non-violent neighborhoods. We must continue to work with our school system, both public and private, to ensure quality education for ALL our students. Ensure that our Older Adults can age in place with wrap-around services, there are lots of employment opportunities in providing services to our Older Adults. We continue to expand the treatment facilities & options for the critical problem of substance use/abuse which again creates lots of service oriented jobs. The City is applying for funds to provide solar and other environmentally friendly options to homeowners.

What are the most significant issues facing your community and what ideas do you have to address these issues? I love Akron, a warm Welcoming City for ALL. I believe the citizens of Akron have spoken clearly about the need for public safety, especially safe neighborhoods; police reform; greater participation in our government; a vision for our city that includes their voices; honest leaders who speak truth about their plans and financial resources; aging housing stock, and allowing our Older Adults to age safely and peacefully in their homes. The Citizens Oversight Board will provide some direction & help with police reform. The Home Repair Program has provided some assistance in improving our aging housing stock, we will need to continue to look for resources to continue to make repairs once the ARPA dollars are gone; more policing in our communities, the ringing doorbells with cameras; cameras on traffic lights in hotspots; ensuring that citizens are aware and able to participate in discussions regarding plans for their neighborhoods before they go to the Planning Commission.

Akron Ward 9 Council

Tina R. Boyes


Education: B.A. Miami University (1996)

Training/Experience: Former Executive Director, Kenmore Neighborhood Alliance/Better Kenmore CDC; Former Vice Chair, City of Akron Planning Commission; Former Vice President, Akron Community Foundation; Leadership Akron Class 32

Website: voteboyes.com

Why are you the best candidate for the office? I’m ready Day 1. As Better Kenmore CDC’s founding executive director, I took calls from residents, businesses and property owners, connecting them to a range of city services. I have direct lines to department leaders and work until the job is done. Kenmore is in my blood. I’m a fifth-generation resident and daughter of a longtime Ward 9 councilman. A Kenmore High School graduate. I’ve lived here more than 30 years. I’m active in local youth and service organizations like Cardinal Booster Club, Kenmore Historical Society and Akron Civic Commons, the group fueling improvements at Summit Lake. I led cleanups of Kenmore Boulevard and the former Akron Baptist Temple site, and I won the Kenmore Chamber of Commerce’s McCutchan Award for community service in 2019. I’ve brought $1.5 million in investment, 16 new storefronts and dozens of family-friendly events to Ward 9. Now, I’m fighting to save Kenmore schools and bring more services to a community that desperately needs them.

What is your vision for economic development for your community over the next ten years? My vision for economic development is by the people, for the people. I want to leverage my success in revitalizing the Kenmore Boulevard business district and implement it throughout Ward 9 to attract and keep businesses. I envision more small business support at the neighborhood level and funding that encourages an even stronger homegrown and resident-supported business model, which is proven to retain and build wealth within the neighborhood. Neighborhood-level economic development requires savvy, creativity and connections. It demands a mix of public and private investment from businesses, foundations and nonprofit funding entities like the Western Reserve Community Fund, which provides low-interest loans and support to help businesses succeed in a community like Kenmore. Having worked for 13 years at Akron Community Foundation, I’ve built strong relationships with funders and nonprofit partners. I'm the only candidate with successful economic and community development experience

What are the most significant issues facing your community and what ideas do you have to address these issues? Safety for everyone is a top priority in Ward 9. On council, I will advocate for more engagement between residents and police, including neighbor groups and foot beats. I will leverage partnerships to attract more recovery and wellness services to our community to reduce drug-related crime and improve health. I'll also work to ban illegal storefront gambling spots, which are known crime havens. Like Akron, Kenmore has struggled to attract and keep young families. Access to safe, walkable schools is another top priority in Ward 9. I will continue to hold the city and APS accountable to fund the new Pfeiffer and Miller-South campus on the former Kenmore High School site and will advocate for an RFP process to redevelop vacant schools before they become blighted eyesores. I'll push for expanded housing rehabilitation and infill development and people-friendly urban planning policies that revitalize within, not just on the edges, of our community and serve all residents, ages 8-80.

Micah R. Townsend


Candidate did not respond.

Akron Board of Education

Patrick Bravo

Education: B.A., Kent State University; M.P.A., University of Akron; J.D., University of Akron School of Law

Training/Experience: Training: Criminal Justice, Psychology, Public Administration, Law | Experience: Military, Law Enforcement, Public, Private, and Nonprofit Leadership, Community & Economic Development, Finance, Marketing & Communications, Board Service

Website: www.patrickbravo.com

Describe the role of a local school board member and share why you are the best person to fill this role. With 10 years of prior experience as a member of the Akron School Board, I have a unique appreciation for the role board members play in advocating on behalf of students, teachers, families, and the community, guiding and developing policies, overseeing district finances, engaging and strengthening community partnerships, hiring, supporting, and evaluating the district superintendent and treasurer, and ensuring transparency and accountability in the efficient and effective use of district resources. The purpose of these collective responsibilities is to promote a positive, safe, and enriching learning environment that leads to academic success and ensures every child has an opportunity to reach their fullest potential.

What do you think are the top three issues in public education? Far from being the only issues this board must address - the impact of climate and safety within our schools and the broader community, district finances and operations, including important decisions around facilities, and academic achievement, especially related to educational equity and efforts to continue closing achievement gaps for diverse and disadvantaged students, are three of the leading issues in public education in Akron. This board must also find a renewed focus on strengthening its relationships with families, partners, and the community to achieve results.

Education has become the target for hot-topic issues. What skills do you have for constructive responses to controversy? I am an experienced leader who understands the value of effective communication and transparency and who is willing to engage, listen, learn, understand, and appreciate complex or controversial issues and act in the best interests of the children and families we serve. I value partnership, collaboration, and good-faith efforts to find those things we can agree on when facing difficult issues and I am committed to carefully, thoughtfully, and inclusively, negotiating those things we may not agree on. And, while we may disagree, we are never disagreeable. I believe our students deserve to see us navigate conflict and controversy the same way in which we hope they will navigate conflict and controversy.

Are there unmet educational needs that you feel need to be addressed and what are they? Universal, high-quality early childhood education remains one of the largest unmet needs in public education. Widely acknowledged as essential to closing achievement gaps, especially in underserved communities, there remains little movement in this area despite recent academic achievement results showing additional support is necessary. Additionally, strengthening the relationship between schools and families through increased engagement and support of local PTA efforts is essential, as is replicating best practices in providing wraparound services that help to address disparities and eliminate barriers to learning for some of our most vulnerable students.

What policies will you support or oppose to protect our schools from violence? Violence is not just an issue that must be addressed within our schools, but one that must also be addressed within our community. The Akron Beacon Journal recently reported on the rise in violence in our community, including youth violence and, specifically, youth gun violence. According to the ABJ, 15 children have died from guns since 2020, compared to 17 children who died from guns in the preceding 13 years. Many in our community are angry and afraid, which undoubtedly includes many of our own students, families, and staff. The schools and the community are inextricably linked and so must be the solutions. I am committed to supporting actions, not just policies, that protect our children, in or out of school, from violence.

Gwen Bryant

Education: Masters in Education Kent State University and Bachelor of Science University of Akron

Training/Experience: Teacher of grades K-5, District-Level School Improvement Coach, Literacy Instructional Coach and Part-time Professor at the University of Akron, and Adjunct Professor at Ashland University

Website: www.votegwenbryant.com

Describe the role of a local school board member and share why you are the best person to fill this role. A school board member's role is to be an advisor to the superintendent and serve as a critical link between the community, school district, and its students. The qualifications that I have to fill this role are; Policy Making-School board members help establish policies and guidelines that can cover everything from curriculum development to budget allocation and school safety protocols. My background in understanding the systems within schools and my commitment to evidence-based decision-making makes me well-suited to contribute to effective policy development. Community Engagement-Building solid ties between the school district and the community is essential. I am committed to engaging with all stakeholders to ensure their voices are heard in decision-making. Educational Excellence-My educational background and dedication to staying informed about current trends and best practices in education will aid me to advocate for policies and initiatives that promote academic excellence.

What do you think are the top three issues in public education? My top issue is the shortage of qualified teachers is a significant and pressing challenge in public education systems throughout the country. This problem can be attributed to several factors, and addressing it is crucial for maintaining the quality of education. Those factors include teacher retirements, attrition, and decreased number of individuals pursuing teaching degrees. The second top issue is ensuring all students receive a high-quality education. Disparities in educational opportunities exist with restricted access to advanced coursework, varied options for students, and resources. The third top issue is building parental and community involvement. Building strong relationships between schools, parents, and the community is vital for student success. Ensuring parents and community members actively engage in the educational process and decision-making.

Education has become the target for hot-topic issues. What skills do you have for constructive responses to controversy? Recently, I completed a leadership assessment, Clifton Strengths, conducted by Gallup to understand my strengths and behaviors. Of the 34 measured themes, my signatures are Relator, Individualization, Arranger, Learner, and Communication. Being a relator means that a relationship has value and that I am willing to take risks to entrust myself to others. Creating connections on the board will prove valuable when making decisions not based on partisan lines but instead on what is best for the students, staff, and citizens of Akron Public Schools. The individualization theme describes my value of the uniqueness of each person I meet. I value the differences between individuals. This skill enables me to "read the room" and observe each person's style, motivations, how they think, and how each builds relationships. As a leadership coach, possessing this skill has empowered me to remove barriers to help create and support productive leadership teams to transform core instruction.

Are there unmet educational needs that you feel need to be addressed and what are they? In the wake of the COVID pandemic, there is a need to provide a strategic process to address students' social-emotional needs for self-awareness, self-control, and interpersonal skills. These needs can be addressed by partnering with supportive agencies to expand mental health services and resources within schools, especially within learning centers, which will assist schools in promoting a positive school climate.

What policies will you support or oppose to protect our schools from violence? Committed to ensuring that evidence-based and culturally sensitive policies tailored to each school's specific needs and circ*mstances are implemented to protect students, educators, and staff from violence while promoting safe classroom conditions. Enhanced School Security Measures i.e controlled access points, security cameras, and school resource officers to deter/respond to potential threats. Mental Health Services: Partner with mental health agencies, community organizations, and local law enforcement to share information and resources for violence prevention. These partnerships can enhance the schools' resources, assist in preventing violence, and provide early intervention when necessary. Bullying Prevention Programs: Implementing evidence-based bullying prevention programs to create a safe and respectful school environment. Programs to be comprehensive and proactive, fostering positive student relationships and addressing bullying behavior. Oppose Arming of Teachers and Staff.

Summer L. Hall

Education: High school diploma

Training/Experience: Past Cheerleading Coach, Summer Camp facilitator , Facilitated City wide High School Town Halls, LeBron James Family Foundation Advisory Board, Ohio and Erie Canalway Coalition - Associate Board, Co Chair of Membership Committee, Leadership Akron, Diversity on Board - Vice President, Past Board Member of Downtown Akron Partnership

Website: www.electsummerhall.com

Describe the role of a local school board member and share why you are the best person to fill this role. A school board member is a policy maker and a chief advisor to the superintendent . They make sure that the schools are well managed by setting effective policies and developing an annual budget to fund the system and establish funding priorities. The primary reason I am running is what makes me the best person to fill this role and that is my passion for our children and their future -I genuinely care about the children, their future and the future of our community. Our children need strong committed advocates and that is what I plan to be as a member of the school board. The children of Akron are facing issues that some of us have never imagined much less ever had to face. I am here to make sure that each student reaches their full potential and my experience as a parent, civic leader and policy maker have provided me with the necessary skills capabilities to provide innovative solutions to the issues confronting our students and school system today.

What do you think are the top three issues in public education? The three most important issues facing public education are:  1.  Student Achievement- Making sure that our students are at or above grade level. Parents send their children to school expecting them to learn and children to have a basic right to a quality education. As a school board member it is my intent to identify and provide effective, results, driven solutions to the barriers to academic success. 2. Fair and equal funding. 3. Safety- Protecting our children, teachers and staff while providing them with a safe environment that is conducive to learning, while protecting their civil rights.

Education has become the target for hot-topic issues. What skills do you have for constructive responses to controversy? My background and experiences make me uniquely qualified to respond to the recurrent and erupting controversies faced by public education systems. My public relations experience and professional duties I have provided informed and reasonable responses to community issues and crisis, both real and imagined

Are there unmet educational needs that you feel need to be addressed and what are they? One of the leading issues facing our urban students is the technology gap. Success in schools today requires a home that is a resource to education equivalent to the classroom. We must also provide the education and training to prepare our students to enter the workforce.

What policies will you support or oppose to protect our schools from violence? I support safety policies such as metal detectors, wands and on campuspolice presence. I believe we must explore additional ways to protect our children andestablish and support new and innovative safety ideas such as electronic ID for entrance to our buildings.I do not support any policy that involves the frisking or undressing of students.

Myron J. Lewis

Education: BA Morehouse College // MA University of The Rockies Colorado Springs, Colorado

Training/Experience: Retired LICDC Certified Peace Circle Trainer

Describe the role of a local school board member and share why you are the best person to fill this role. The role of a school board member is to first and foremost love the kids of the city of Akron. Only then will one be able to do whatever it takes to make the decisions needed to improve the educational environment, which will empower students to be all they can be. I feel my 30 years of experience working with children from all walks of life, the good, the bad, and the ugly, will enable me to serve the children of Akron well.

What do you think are the top three issues in public education? Educational Environmental Violence. Lack of Educational Environmental Safety. Unaddressed academic needs, causing children to act out or disengage in the educational process.

Education has become the target for hot-topic issues. What skills do you have for constructive responses to controversy? I feel having the ability to listen with a purpose, pay attention to details, possessing the skills to help build positive workable relationships and having a sincere empathy for all sides involved. These skills will help facilitate all parties to build a stronger community to help our kids.

Are there unmet educational needs that you feel need to be addressed and what are they? There are several unmet needs which plague Akron Public Schools. However, one need remains paramount and if addressed many of the day-to-day student issues will be easier to deal with. There are far too many students who are reaching the third grade reading below grade level. In my experience reading issues, in most cases, tend to have a profound negative impact on the life of the individual who has reading problems.

What policies will you support or oppose to protect our schools from violence? I will support any program which increases reading comprehension, reduces violence, engages students that have become disillusioned with their education and makes classrooms more conducive for success. I will not support any program which suggests that we arm teachers and educators.

Keith Mills

Education: Undergrad in Sociology (B.A) focus on women in prison, corrections and juvenile delinquency. Masters in Education (M.Ed.) - Curriculum and Instruction with licensure in special education.

Training/Experience: Former Long-term employee of Akron Public Schools, Former student having attended Schumacher, Perkins, Jennings, North High. Substitute teacher at APS and Student Teacher.

Website: www.millsforakron.com

Describe the role of a local school board member and share why you are the best person to fill this role. School board members need to focus on what is best for all students. They should focus on student achievement and implementing policies that will ensure success for all students. This sometimes means balancing a budget before asking for more money from the public or offloading old buildings to let the private market figure it out. School board members advocate for education at the local, state, and national levels. They also need to understand how the education system works and how the overreach of bureaucracies and redundancies within the school system takes away from our students and employees at all levels. I have seen this both at APS and CMSD. It is inefficient and wasteful. I am currently an educator for CMSD and I have a strong educational background and a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing our schools. I have an advanced degree in education and have worked in various roles within the education sector, giving me an overall comprehensive perspective.

What do you think are the top three issues in public education? Education Equity and Achievement Gaps, School Safety, and Quality Training and Professional Development,

Education has become the target for hot-topic issues. What skills do you have for constructive responses to controversy? Responding constructively to controversy in education often involves finding common ground, respecting diverse viewpoints, and prioritizing the best interests of students. It requires a commitment to continuous learning and improvement and the ability to navigate complex and emotionally charged issues with professionalism and integrity. This involves using effective communication, empathy and culture competence, conflict resolution, critical thinking and collaboration/team building (work), being adaptable, ability to make decisions based on morals and data, understand how to interpret data and knowing how to be an advocate.

Are there unmet educational needs that you feel need to be addressed and what are they? There are actually quite a bit of continuing unmet needs. Now, addressing these unmet educational needs often requires collaboration among educators, policymakers, parents, and communities, as well as a commitment to continuous improvement and innovation in education systems. I am not talking about innovation for innovation's sake but instead, everything is driven solely for our students' sake and in the best interest of them. We have equity issues, curriculum and instruction needs, access to quality early childhood education, mental health well-being for both staff and students, and special education unmet needs - namely in terms of getting a student's placement correct, better and consistent departments within the organization(s), parent and community engagement (how do we encourage families to stay engaged?), daily living skills, workforce preparedness, global competence, soft skills, critical thinking skills, digital skills, etc.

What policies will you support or oppose to protect our schools from violence? It's important to note that school safety is a multifaceted issue, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Effective policies often involve a combination of strategies, tailored to the specific needs and circ*mstances of each school or district. Additionally, community input and collaboration among educators, students, parents, law enforcement, and mental health professionals are essential in developing and implementing effective school safety policies. That being said, I support phones being put up at the beginning of the day and given back at the end, I support the regular review of school safety plans and continued training. I support identifying and preparing first responders at the school. I support the movement "See something, say something." I support mental health and bullying prevention. I oppose policies that might promote fear and stigmatize mental health as well as policies that, instead of removing students who are violent, we simply transfer them to another school.

Rene Molenaur

Education: Cleveland State University | Ph.D. Urban Education: Education Policy; University of Akron | MA Curriculum: Educational Foundations; Baldwin Wallace University | B.S. Education: Middle Childhood

Training/Experience: Over 15 years in education

Website: renemolenaur.com

Describe the role of a local school board member and share why you are the best person to fill this role. A school board member serves as a community representative. As an APS Parent, I am dedicated to supporting students and leveraging my experience as a former teacher to inform decisions related to the school day. Additionally, school board members are responsible for overseeing policy development, budget allocation, leadership, curriculum, advocacy, community engagement, strategic planning, evaluation, and decision-making. I am also the current APS legal and policy committee chair and the only current board member or candidate with a career in Education Policy. In this capacity, I am already heavily engaged in updating policies for APS to align with legal requirements and educational excellence. What sets me apart from other candidates is my dedication, commitment, and extensive experience. However, it's my genuine desire to serve and contribute to my community that truly distinguishes me as the candidate who will best utilize the role of school board member to help our city and schools

What do you think are the top three issues in public education? 1. Funding and Resource Allocation: This is especially relevant as our district has recently begun conversations about the possibility of a levy in 2024 because our school funding system has been broken for a long time. Over 20 years ago, the Ohio Supreme Court ruled that it was unconstitutional. . Teacher Recruitment and Retention: A central focus of my platform is to "Ensure Safe Learning Environments." The safety and well-being of our students and staff is a top priority because creating supportive work environments is crucial for recruiting and retaining experienced educators. Retaining experienced educators in all of our buildings- not just some- is an equity issue that will increase access to quality educational experiences. 3. Education Equity and Access: This aligns with the pillars of my campaign: Amplify Student Successes & Promote Community Engagement. Placing student voices at the forefront fosters engaged individuals and is a vital initiative for promoting equity.

Education has become the target for hot-topic issues. What skills do you have for constructive responses to controversy? As an APS parent, I am committed to address hot-topic issues with a compassionate, informed, and balanced approach that places the best interests of our students and the community at the forefront. Addressing contentious topics, I advocate for constructive dialogue and active listening, and have 2 primary considerations when developing a constructive response: educational standards and student voice. As an educator, I know that tying learning experiences to specific learning objectives provides a clear rationale and purpose. As a school board member, having a focus on educational standards and policies values impartiality over political controversies. However, the world is in a constant state of transformation, requiring regular updates to educational outcomes and policies. This is where the strength of student voice truly shines. I believe in empowering our students. It's their lives and futures at stake, the least we could do is grant their perspectives consideration.

Are there unmet educational needs that you feel need to be addressed and what are they? Technology is integral to our lives, influencing society and education profoundly. Incorporating technology in education enhances engagement and collaboration among students. AI can also tailor learning, analyzing patterns and customizing content to students' needs, improving outcomes. It is also our duty to prepare students for an AI-focused future job market. By embracing these shifts and fostering inclusivity, we prepare students to succeed and contribute to society in a tech-driven future. Yet, it's crucial to approach this integration thoughtfully and inclusively, ensuring that all students have the opportunity to thrive. Disparities in technology access and proficiency among different socioeconomic groups could exacerbate existing educational inequalities. It is our duty to shape an education system that equips students with the technology skills and experiences they will need to succeed and contribute positively to society in the future.

What policies will you support or oppose to protect our schools from violence? Our district enables teachers to alert incidents via their ID badges. However, we can further enhance security through technology. Implementing a computer system to register visitors and provide visitor ID badges is a worthwhile investment. Student ID badges can also allow real-time attendance monitoring. This data can also be shared with parents and bus drivers for accurate rosters during pick-up. ID badges can also offer student discounts to museums or other attractions. This showcases how a safe and supportive learning environment can extend beyond the classroom. Beyond physical security, we must cultivate a culture of respect within our schools Addressing issues like bullying and mental health is vital for a nurturing environment where students can flourish academically, socially, and emotionally. Encouraging student voice and fostering an empowering environment honoring students' individual journeys, aspirations, and triumphs will create a compassionate and supportive school.

Phil Montgomery

Education: MBA, Ohio Dominican University

Training/Experience: Government Finance

Website: electphilmontgomery.com

Describe the role of a local school board member and share why you are the best person to fill this role. The success of public education, in addition to the hard work and dedication of the teachers and administration, begins with the critical policy decisions made by the Akron Public School Board and it's members. Board members should strive to ensure the success of all APS students and educators while advising the Superintendent on the community and district's needs. I believe my background in finance, dedication to public service, and deep community relationships will be an extremely valuable addition to the APS Board.

What do you think are the top three issues in public education? 1) Continued advancement in academic achievement and reversing learning loss; 2) Improving safety in the schools; 3) Equitable and sufficient funding to ensure long-term financial stability.

Education has become the target for hot-topic issues. What skills do you have for constructive responses to controversy? In my role as the Director of Finance and Budget for the County of Summit, I am responsible for the budget allocation to every department, office and division of Summit County government, which for the 2023 annual operating budget is nearly $650 million; similar to the APS annual operating budget. Working through budgets and related negotiations always takes compromise, compassion and conviction. The ability to talk through differences and come to an equitable agreement is paramount to constructive responses to any situation. I believe this is a skill set I can bring to the APS Board.

Are there unmet educational needs that you feel need to be addressed and what are they? As a father of two daughters in the district, I believe in our teachers and the strength of the APS community to educate our future generations. We do need to keep a close eye on politics in education, technology limitations and overall district staffing levels to ensure we are meeting the educational enrichment of our APS students.

What policies will you support or oppose to protect our schools from violence? I fully support educating myself on and evaluating any policy that improves safety for our students and teachers.

Barbara Sykes

Education: MPA, Public Administration - Univ. of Akron; BA, Social Work - Univ. of Akron; AA, Community Services Technology - Univ. of Akron

Training/Experience: Former State Director of AARP; Former President & CEO Ohio United Way; Former State Representative; Former Summit County Deputy Auditor; Former Akron City Councilwoman - Ward 3 & At-Large

Website: sykesforstrongschools.com

Describe the role of a local school board member and share why you are the best person to fill this role. According to the Ohio School Board Association, school board members are policy makers and chief advisors to the superintendent. Board members select and hire the superintendent and treasurer. Members do not manage the day-to-day operations. We should see to it that the district is well managed by professional administrators. Members are elected to represent the opinions, values and goals of the community. I would be one of seven officials elected to adopt policies to serve our students and their families. I am fortunate to have a career serving in leadership positions that have afforded me opportunities to gain the training & experience to be a thoughtful policy maker. Employed as CEO of several nonprofit organizations, and serving as a member of Akron City Council, and the Ohio House of Representatives has given me the skills and insight to understand the appropriate policy role to advance Akron Public Schools.

What do you think are the top three issues in public education? 1. LOW STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT - The Ohio report card for the 2022-2023 school year gives Akron Public Schools an Overall rating of 2.5-Stars; an Achievement rating of 2.0-Stars; and a Progress rating of 2.0-Stars out of a 5.0-Star grading system. 90% of districts and 79% of schools in Ohio earned an overall rating of 3.0-Stars, meaning they met states standards. Additionally, chronic absenteeism continues to be a major issue. 2. STUDENT POVERTY - Akron has a growing problem of student poverty, not unlike many school districts in rural and urban areas. Children living in poverty require more support & attention to make up for what is missing when they are: homelessness; experiencing food instability and unsafe environment, both mentally & physically. 3. LACK OF PARENT INVOLVEMENT - Providing students opportunities to learn does not guarantee success, especially if students don't apply themselves or have support. Parents participation & encouragement is essential.

Education has become the target for hot-topic issues. What skills do you have for constructive responses to controversy? I have acquired public policy leadership skills while serving on Akron City Council & the Ohio House of Representative. I have successfully navigated through hot-topic & controversial issues in competitive partisan environments. I also have experience dealing with public issues as a public administrator: President & CEO of Ohio Legislative Black Caucus Foundation; State Director of AARP; President & CEO of Ohio United Way; Summit County Deputy Auditor and Director of the Police Community Dialogue Program. I have background in negotiating and mediating resolutions to staff, board and constituent issues.

Are there unmet educational needs that you feel need to be addressed and what are they? Ground Works Ohio and other think tanks, indicate the best opportunity to optimize academic achievement is during early childhood, the earlier the better. The deficits resulting from not teaching children adequate fundamentals in early childhood are difficult to overcome. Akron's focus on early literacy has moved the reading scores in the right direction. There was a 5% increase in third grade students who passed the English language arts test. However, only 42.8% of the students passed this third grade test. The recent success in early literacy should guide us to increase these efforts, including developing long-term strategies for pre-K. Each child needs supplemental support to help them fulfill their unique potential. We need more wrap-around services to help students, teachers and families deal with increased violent, mental, emotional and behavior health issues.

What policies will you support or oppose to protect our schools from violence? School violence is a community problem and not just a school problem. I will work with the superintendent & the other board members to seek advice and input from law enforcement & community organizations to obtain resources and develop partnerships to reduce school violence.I will support the superintendent exploring different strategies for teaching students to be involved in problem solving activities, including the benefits of peer mediation & other dispute resolution concepts. I will lobby local, state and national policy makers to enact policies to implement sensible gun control. Particularly limiting access to assault weapons and promoting safe storage to keep guns out of the hand of our children.

Akron Municipal Court Clerk

Sandra Kurt


Education: Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering - Iowa State University 1985, Awarded a certificate of completion for the Senior Executives in State and Local Government program, June 2015, Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Executive Education.

Training/Experience: Eight years of experience as the Summit County Clerk of Courts, earned the Ohio Clerk of Courts Association Education Award every year 2016 – 2022, have completed multiple courses from the Supreme Court of Ohio

Website: sandrakurt.com

Why are you the best person for the job of Municipal Court Judge or Clerk? I am the only candidate with the experience, knowledge, and customer service ethic to bring the operations of the Clerk of the Akron Municipal Court into the 21st century and to give customers the service they deserve. In my eight years as Summit County Clerk of Courts, I utilized my Industrial Engineering knowledge and expertise to bring all operations online, enabling attorneys to file from wherever they can connect with the internet. Having records in an electronic format enables prompt responses to public information requests by email. In contrast, the Clerk of the Akron Municipal Court operations are all paper-based with no electronic filing or communication. The result is extra work and time for attorneys and other users of the court who must travel to the courthouse to complete any required task and extra cost to the taxpayer for record storage and management. Additionally, paper files get misplaced in the Clerk’s office and justice is often delayed as a result.

What are the top two issues you want to address if you are elected? My top priorities are: 1) modernize the office by utilizing technology for electronic filing, case management, and communications to improve effectiveness and accessibility while reducing operating costs and saving taxpayer dollars and 2) provide outstanding customer service to everyone with whom we interact. These priorities are complimentary, for instance, public records requests are filled quickly when the records can be located with a simple electronic search and emailed the same day that the request is submitted. I want to improve customer service by being more accessible to the public through social media channels that currently do not exist for the Clerk of the Akron Municipal Court.

If elected, what knowledge and skills will you bring that will benefit your community? My experience modernizing the operations of the Summit County Clerk of Courts, bringing electronic filing to all divisions in Common Pleas and the 9th District Court of Appeals, is directly applicable to the needs of the Clerk of the Akron Municipal Court. My Industrial Engineering expertise enables me to analyze and improve administrative, record-keeping, and communication responsibilities to convert operations of the Clerk of the Akron Municipal Court from a paper-only operation to an electronic operation. I regularly attend the Ohio Clerk of Courts Association events to stay current on changing legislation that affects our operations. Additionally, I have completed courses offered by the Supreme Court of Ohio to learn cutting edge operations and technologies. Finally, my positive relationships with the judges and administration of the Akron Municipal Court as well as with all entities in the Common Pleas court enable effective problem-solving when challenges arise.

Debbie Walsh


Education: B.A. Bowling Green State University

Training/Experience: 25+ years retail management experience, 15+ years public service

Website: DebbieWalsh.com

Why are you the best person for the job of Municipal Court Judge or Clerk? I am the best person for the job of Akron Municipal Clerk of Courts because as the current Clerk of Courts I have been actively involved in the day-to-day operations of the court and continue to guide my staff in effectively serving the needs of the court and people who avail themselves of the court. I have over 25 years of management experience in the private sector, having managed staffs of up to 175 employees in an around the clock operation. This is similar to what we have in the Akron Municipal Court District, as our criminal, traffic and parking divisions are open 24 hours a day for the benefit of our citizens and law enforcement.

What are the top two issues you want to address if you are elected? First, I will complete the implementation of the Tyler Odyssey Case Management System that the court is in the process of adopting. This will put more information directly on-line and allow for easier access by the public. Currently we have waiverable criminal and traffic cases along with parking cases available for payment on-line, thus saving the public time and considerable peace of mind. Once Odyssey is fully implemented, we will be able to expand to e-filing and e-tickets which will increase efficiency and reduce the amount of paper in the office. The second issue would be to manage a seamless transition to our new office space in the Ocasek Building. We currently operate on two separate floors of the Stubbs Building. Our new location consolidates our operations into one floor, so the criminal, traffic, parking and civil divisions will all be on the same level and in one office complex.

If elected, what knowledge and skills will you bring that will benefit your community? I have demonstrated the ability to hire, train and manage a staff that is not only competent but is sensitive to the needs of individuals in stressful situations. I have been able to develop a friendly partnership with our first responders and the trust and commitment of court staff and stakeholders. My leadership skills have been consistently recognized by my peers, most recently being elected the 2nd VP of the Ohio Association of Municipal/County Court Clerks. While serving as a school board member for the Akron Public Schools I consistently worked to build consensus and a positive outcome for our students.

2023 Akron Voter Guide: View candidates for school board, council, clerk of courts (2024)
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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.