The Birmingham Post from Birmingham, West Midlands, England (2024)



LUDLOW, DANIKLL, and ROBERTS THE EXCELLENT SEWING MACHINES, WtipUflRT-UtON NAPE, Kin. In Mb, hr Ha, aad Tartan Trada Plxtoras, PaniHan. ho. itolnefw. tn he ntoaiiyl nf Mr.

Mania, AeoianitontMia Traetod, Fttota Slmet i or of Um Anattamna Rd. IV hew Btraet, Ur. mlflehmi. OX YIICW THIS DAY. ALE AT U.

SPECIAL AND IMPORTANT SALE COSILY FURNITUBB AND EmtOXB. roaltai ranmad hnm a Mknetaa In Karth WtoltotiiiMw ANTIQUE AND MODERN SILVER PIUTE, FlAHOrORT Sfi lw OaHard and OnRud and tdhtm: rintoeBnllai tar jtoaeptlnii and. bed Jtnoraa. vary eaperlnr hardeml aad ather carptlk of tour dtaoarimnr Waanohlt IMov UliaMa idol SJto(art rOjUBnciUI, Ctadnt Bkonafi end other vohmbla Efihotoof lha ME8SH8. LUDLOW, DANIELL, imil ROBERTS nghaei.TfhMORRItWT wpenolminy-thtoetferua prlaliwa very beautiful Walnut uy tunMInre: tjwlr nf Ak 1IKD ROOM SUIT.g owl (nahMIgend taM matoenuiy WaidHtai airl EajdMItai llofetewl aiul nHmr inahocmty uhamhar non feig: sm and etata rena; KICMpjj) KAHQ UXTrkIH OHAUbS and KAHY IfW.

heontlful Inlaid Pniepetoa I'ahlnett, a lUk 8 ml deer loner wilh enlunm noble Pier and CUimey Otowa Hdte and Jhawele Uteveto ef 1 eOk aad no thnteln etoennt PwfM hMelllttok vrtilto Anpore Wnnl Bny ImenUhi! enlte et Clock, Gmdelabra. end View; r-oefave OfJTTAGK PIAffOPOKTtX. ly (Mfunl nnrf CU-OnL and ettme: bfairie Ikaoto. Marie UaMnri and c*ntorteitaa. oekWetk Taldea, Davepp.iwto, write of hendvenrir-eerved end tnMd Oontreand Chnl Tnhiet and a variator of Dmwloe ltonm Iwtoranerea Tho DININO ILOtlX rUJUimiRr 9 nahomny, and asnahto afi IX rURNrfCRE la prinetpally ife nilto wltli II atulTed panel hack Uheli In bed toltej nod two mlta rut with rix ehaire, ba, ahm hi leather; end lanrttoma mdtoln erimenn velvet; ltrk, ltfk.

oad Nnaller finlny TaMet of tuarior mendtaelnre ffk iMeUtheck fihlebovd, The he elan hwtadeffiie Private CUhethmafOlt rAINTINGH, to nd CUiaMwiad oak 'PR PLATE, Pleiad Aitfek Cetotomea maybe obtahud at the rfieeahfeond Wolvaritampkon or nf the Anctloneon. TgMOuaaw-jPRifiAirt. SffO OUNCES OF SILVER PRINCIPALLY ANTIQUE, lffBaSRSL LUDLOW, JJA are unrooted to tnriude KSaorr IR at their Bale Nooais.) ahont MO nunere of fill.VKrtP PLATE, LUDLOW, DANIELL. and ROBERTS tad to include In Uuftr Bela TO-MDUROW (Fridteh, I VUm'nch I DrinklneCiq rurlnni old Salt Fork uqiuw and Croat Vriu oa ft. 1 oin ooukieiiio to IgSSSSBH Uovlow'Uda day.

and antakruine to te obtained of Mean I NOW ON VIEW, YUS original piotu'br i Question of Propriety BEFORE THB HOLY INQUISITION," TATVTXD BY RDWIV X0NO, BHL AT MR. ALEXANDER DAYS ART OALLBRY, Bt, irmir arjusr. HOURS, Uto A ADIUSSIOS, SIXFXSOK. FINS A 8. ON BALE AT EDWARDS'S, 44.

NEW STREET, BIBKINOIIAK. GRAND WORK, BY wrm dees w. A DERBY BOWLEYj (ana of Ha flnaat mtd I ART GALL OA RSW STSSST, Mk. VUEUUOV hofi to mnoimm that YURBH PUfl'UltBB of IUPORTAMtUS herr ham aototlluUd tor Uwai aohl. OAUXHYwUhaASOnaUIDTnniDArflhamdartaod temedioa it InTltod.

tOT spit al Saturday, Urn MARCH, 1875. rrtBKflBIRB EXHIBITION AT 1 OPEN HAY 6. alOSK BRPTBMB1IR Hi UK Par fan partlaotoai ana next Batantoyh papara. riiHE MIDLAND LAND AND INVESTMENT OUfUttlUHON (MMlTRDIi HsAsonunat-a Waterloo bteeet, gnmnronAM. Snwnm Cnanf-WAK-f.

A DOLTON. HENRY AT.r.inTTT. I JOHN lfnTKHl Tin IKHMJXaBCAM AiroWmLAXD DAVE. BoMiixoac. "BaadSEssaBMr- ADYAXOm aiado apon appmadneehaU ar rmanhla onay InrtaheeHto or atharwiea.

EHTATHI md rropartte, Pnrahaeod. LAND to hoBolil or Lot In verlona narta ef Blnuloehoio and the ewUehto tor Villa itoridmem wlmw and imworea. MOUTOAOS8 HwaSted. WoawarartdTKKRliOLD GROUND BEHTB tar Bain, Dfflau whleh Ininoio tax. Intereat acaordinr to arrasyaoM Ua aaa taaad baU-yeariy.

bt OIRMlNOHAII AND MIDLAND BOAT-BUILDING I Jt OOMTAHY (LIMCHOn. KADTWOOD DOCK, TOfDAL BTKERT, KEMlVltHAIL TMdara nf CANAL IWATS, of aU klrnto. elthar Car Oaah, TlUa. nrntion Atrrrmi over a lerina of yeaxa. k-STTOpttoo of WhtoMchfh Work.


DEPARTMENTS NOW OPEN am (or the flapafe ef Onxary. PraiialaaBrtwhai, Thterrt hraaa and lirdlk to Mamhera nf the yltaaitaitorjtyihiim Ilckotk prim to. eabh. aheuldha WIK.LKAX BESET 8HJC. Beeretary and Manayer.

N.R-VTUaELiaTS way In bbaalned at the Btoma. IB8UE oT 1,000 SHARES, of ks. rnch, in ntoormfol MANUYA'WURIRO OOMTANr. wldah far On kat Gene jwuaheapMd FidljantaaliTa ean ho had on nnpbrliwtn tho Apant of tha Oam-r. OLBkDiawUDh Unity Dalldlina.

Ik Tarapte Streak lUnriap- A f) ABE. ftarimat Dapomnaok. I I I Kaw-tare ond Ikgnu SolieUare, (MuMre Raw; or of tho An. TOXkROW lrhlDAift, AT 4. XL 1, SALE At JIUmVB, 8ALE8 ST AUCnoa i'jps DAX BALE THH DAY ffipCRMlAYl and TOMORROW AUCriOM HOOK Ml.


toe UUi end Uth-daya of Wnuo-the abore extend ra OOLLICTIOrL The Itetum eoapriae an he portent Weak hp Homnau, srllh DendOim O.Srt J. award J. PaUttt EWIUfeimm F. Walla Aflae fa ParUeuka ameer tn eetaleiank to be hod at tho AnoUonwee OJBoaa oeehova whan tho whola anon rjaw. In anreennanee g( the nnmhar of Mo tor he aoM, the Bale wR day et TimLVX owuiok npKzmi.T.

tip DAY XThnrly), a half- jaada lhaihar lledt, Weahataafe, oik Dialnc Kh OlifUia TMidaia and other PKaato. Anetloerert OIBeea. U. Colon Btreat, Dhadiigheai. tmWoa'oniiflMaoao MoBooon, aielta tiiMrUi ham, Tn IVnmae Yumlehlne.

Hmpoia and otheta. J. CHEW will offer tty AubUdd, THIS DAY kj. (Theradearl. YrtKwy II at Me Ronei St nod Meor rtraet.

lUnnlluhaia-a lama amwtaieiit of nleahU Row eod Bemndhenil lUlUflrUUKT OLASSIM. md IMt aoaqwWt wnltrat Hnurtiir Know dultaa, In rm: walnut Mill awhomar I- aedOmlm ThMaa. mahneanr ChelBooeiaa and ChoElotierq Bhla. hoanu. Raw and Dtnlltf Ohaiia mahomur Dliilnf Tahla, with extra leaf and patent expaodinc mow; watoutjdwte ntnela, hamhatead kalbaa; fifteen rate term IMIatonda, nether Salt mehoianp, hlieh, an.1 walnut Waifhatenda wltli merlile Mane, end DHone-a Tnllei Tabun to antoh SnakMattMaat and PallUraol.

Ohuda Ihawera, Hawlne Maehlnea. Mil pier, aMamari end aiahoptny awlnr Chum; and a variety nf Mtartleneoae PneaeWl ioooeanienae etlL HI THIS HAY (TtmrWbu. Iinreaerfwi Brie of tha Mean rivt Uaafnl Modem IIOUdKHOLU VURVITCRM oadWreol Tan aeon." Qaiep HVL omarito Kaemhatm fit reek rolnriraei. IWrdltaellanot Mr. HlltoeL who larotar ahroad.) BYE.

JOHN WARD will Sell hr Aontlon at tha JTX laaMtnar aa ahom THIS DAT (Ttioredm. Pebratry 1 nmendneetll n'eloak the very aarial Madera lEMHCKE aad Mfikato. LK 1 The Hnaaa to ha Let, with Irnmndteto pwearalnn. ktalmnaa of the Auattawto, Ho. and Iandht Btreri, Binifiaiu.

UTS run: HAIM' Hindi The MMhtod UnenttoagieiBatlBry. Tlhmleahaiol' US. LYTHALL end OIURKE will Sell by Aoiilne, TUIfi DAY IThandiul Pohnnuy IV at 11.30 to fieventy vohuUa HUMTEUfi, HAOKfl, HARNBM HOtoafi CODA and POXIBB; aim OAVRlAOn and HAIL Md Npdoolliw aarried Inwni Chaqnaa aant Ihrefi Mat by Anatioa inn Thai Tho aaxt ImpnrUut (ft nvthev Bntrtao rnswaUMIy aaUritod. to BBfoar eonnactad wtth tho ErtablU. rtfenki Th.

etat in.jcfrt.nt rftnd rtnht? fbr gadSSSaSdta? beat madlom 0 130 RfEBSKS. LYTHALL end 1 Anetinn.THIB DAY IThnndayl. February tho mporto of lha Midland iUilway Uompapy It povriefid Out HOBBUI ana Rennet ueaful MAItBt fbr hmoinny pnrpoaar. Ml LYTHALL and CLABSJ wiU AiMtal.Tnifl DAY iThwedayt Tbe Propurtr nf a Dantlanian. Powerfnt Cbaetoinl Dnnuilll AX HOUSE, If Sell by Extanairii Bata at lha Malik ilead Tnn, Htyh Skirt lfeet Hrqmwieh, So Iilainind Vieiaaltafi Bruwera Fartka Fumlehiny, aad atom LfR.

K. COX bee boon favonrod with initrantioni from JtJL Fator Walker end On, Wnnrliini nrawern (who have tnkei to ton abgra ltm, and am tnaklnk axtcnalve alterailnne, am aeAtitiw lha lmialem In a toum amleni and attractive a BriThy Antoni. THIS DAY mmotayL IWnni at tajfijwri wr whole of tho eapaftayand vaiaiAla. BBS' of tho euperinr in Vltolniia ul Plxf T.enpcnnr Her aaperirrr Sradl Mnll or, hell Invar Ala ViMbina, nearly-now tkdiit Vnui mala! top Coenter, Dmtamnt aad Ala aad I imaienaa iniaatRi of cat and monhtod ef threa uhlw nutria BOA a neat variety of Buajtma UtcmOa: Tap end Pntnke Boom Pi teak fieata md Tahlea. wood FertlUnn.

lift te 1 RRinriKa VLAET aompriam KfimUm pod MOsp Bntaiawnhtma; (UxuAel Maah Tab, term Vtte Ool eiidliooferaua, 3HL CCd eadUCiallnn Jlamu, 1 numb, VlYTalf linealiaaii ted otliaa Barrela lot of Wbw UarmEk Stalam for Wrmotor Hnpa, Unotentanf Malt Uaadrar Kflaoaa alia the bkm and modern HODS NITTIItK, eapitou MdJUoard. valnalito Oneoh and grilnhia I nweej iblmonpa Tahla (new), Ohiawey. Ufemai. (n ilM' fkamaai OH niton, apd Dmwent TolM number ot TH vtu- Behadnleo of the eotponioy tenwnot tuoOllooiof J. Ktoh To Satin Uotam Brokon.

ond" rAXS and Cot, at tho Uth ocndir aalnriianlHeUar. Wolv trtouupiaa, V'mtduankilL hoodarVoMibltAMAN. JKAM, and On, oftho tUonaoatar. anunuiUny In lha towto to ERjBLl id. abovw of Fotenare, of.Mlo to ha aw Fitting fiheirtng, Wlndenr and jafvete.


TINCBNT 1 TEXET YABE, LAETWOOB, Feat. and 1 bah DEAL HOARDS. KUXI1IING WlAlUlB. ffiBLATMb tongUiy Vonray KCAF70LD POUfi Elm. and Unary Tree Tknbar ha Uw row and MATfiJHAU faroilM Shed 6M.

te VfnUxT OBANRhriad Wbaak, ft, ijrafiaaridu, with "saa s.1 nnoba Sold br Anetion, by HLOOUE andSON, TO- msUla' Rate tooanniaaao at 11 n'aloakpnBptk thaAncKanaar vaonr sea arraur aa na Blrniefluare fitriul, will ba riaUlly Aw rA'y mMORlWWfride, Ffibnuqr nithfirid, pinhbigbtee. aMtt JE lit Bala to sou AtaekoneiVa OIBoa SALE BT AUCTIOir. MONDAY. NEXT. To Gimttaam sc feu: bava rsoalvbd ambient Nunaryman to San tar Anekon, Xatewwy at 18 afrioriq ie thalr Btgaalftjtyk ROSFa, UUNl 'RNESBS.

LYTHALL end ItI tnrtnwttnnB ftooi SnHoSSgwaa.x dtaemlrt nliiifiiiliaw Wjtote of Uw ateiaret BTAXDJ 'ASDARP. 1-YRAMID, WVAH whola of Ua Stobk wen grane, met aarefnlly eaiaated. OfllWflMlM Mlk INUae Tha Midland OounMet RcpoaSovy. Btimtafthara. will Soil hr Mt' Tha MidijjtaintiHltapaaltnnr, Bhminttaun.

HyTESSRS. LYTHALL and CLARKE will hold thalr JrJL nan Sola ad. Sporting and Mhea POOR an TUESDAY, teii I irthar mtria rateaatfully goUaltad. otTWaSHi DAY NEXT. xosn, Titurr tkew Bb, 'A, ftnoa Cbmatoafi nr fgKT.ic AU.u&Bafitfr& 'VeATBS ROYAL, IBM INGHAM, I ljnmKD SU0CEB8 OF THE PANTOMIME, tgf TWO MORNING PERFORMANCES tmwta).

February and February I xmv mmra until further notk I A co*ck HOUSE TO BANBURY CROSS," Kim wire BALL AMD OEAfiBHOPPERX BUT, 10 jurriSten Scanty nil Appobtmmta. nd rngOSAKD VROCKSSIOK OJf KOHAHOHB. EyI2rUB'OF WALES THEATRE. A nsirvrHAXT success of the 0BAND CIIKISTMA8 PANTOMIME. 1 1 the TMhllo and I'm in he the heat Pantomime ta1 19 yet preduetd tn Hfenttagliain.

-V msn et trl tmr THURSDAY HDKXXXG UeGrond flnteKi fitntonilmo nf UTTIA ko-TEEPj oa, uinttSlUlX JACK mil JILL tad TKINOK "tt, Oanvua DnnafbnniMon Econo. Um R1TITH agfsssss'sssar-- frre open et 8.3P, tn hesfn at T. Iln Orica owe Thro ITrieualt A Zhanch, Box OiBee, ngrtra irmTIAM COXCKliT HAU, ON VARIETIES li1 cnLBsmu street. xiBMimnrAV. I r.Wjtf Monro.

PhOHra end (Me, JrKKVrXIXO, one Xvvvy Nnmlng liming I ha. Week, the 1 AU3TOX TROUPE nf Htiw Acrobat rix In eainivi Iteriton owl Moatoal IfaarjA neafonofpooa SSL niMt Ikm Whldh and tho graaiChittrao JWflto. WWOKtSlA. HcihoCnene and Danoor. CLARA.

RUBIK VeruHet oral Itaaeor. Groat Xhomm nf Id i f.i' itmrrtle on-l RerHonmlo Vf life Loat freak kt crffAXT RlNHT niriA WANT. TURK, end PLANT. tJSj e-mbl Night ftMtleht 'Thmcdeyl. Friklfi tor the SUM, iSlSitflT of Mr.

MARTIN. Manager retd nareoatorrf Tho Groat WALTER HOWARD. 1-y pemtbetoa. of ha--3'Ua' LSSloo. he onao at (Udemofnenoint I 7nmar Knuatiee tn Mfla Bnoa, Gem tilnat.

Knt-nnnotn fUcrfWlT rw-ehlll Hmm. W. Jhuno Entnuioo fbr Bvlfr nf uMiIMrii md fnaenele M. So altonno aMi(Wk7i md Pnenonoiht M. So ahenna, Cbneart to KaehioltUR Hooilel Mlartwt PmgraiMne.

1A, tr hohodot CtoMcn.1 nf ho snWaelo rrafianaw Doji. TharaSagr noil "td fCae MaJif uaury'A Cmna early. BIRMINGHAM CONOERT hHC Fnnn oad Choulw. fJlHK ihussday-gband extba night i UABTHTS annual benefit, band or an8TBK5lHTTjrtro nutoer. THE GREAT WALTER HOWARD, Shan Bt.

Janerfs San, London, hr pacmladoo ct Moon Mtd Rmjsii, ONE HUNDRED PERFOBMER8. faxbb scranxu tor this kioh osly. OKOROS LEY BOURSE, tho LIob Oomla, Hoodie Vast, Bnd I SpTl tf TO a I (RE GREATEST ESTERTAISMEST OCT or LOJTDOS. bommeah Rr a Ihattad ported rndr.of tho adihriail Ooorio Yoaoliat 2l Aiuhor, Ma. Frans Eobuton.

OVnlaeiTltonpkof ttoChrlanaia Speotooular Snrlaaqiis.anUUad K.IKG A a a. oa. THE BLUE DWARF. IcuR7 Deafened u.1 Palnltd hr Sr. DAY and Mr.

r. JOYEfl. to mamSfehteof ttalyVm fiWCkr 1 Van, avdsA-i KinfifiLL. Gnat wnrrsK. KA.

KART. and of Mr. W. HKJW AottegManacnr, Kf. H.

DAY. USKtTM CONCERT HALLriBULL UiNT E1USKI lti ru afC1IRDLDIMnr. hXorUiem MarOomta. Next Weak, tha Bmwwbm UABMAa awl XLBTUXi and BaMra OhSaga of Oom EH: TO-NIGHT. ST.

JAMES'S HALL, SNOW HILL, OR RIGHT nOHIB ONLY, TO-NItlBT 1THUR8DAY1 Tehtaniy lfi YSTILLARDS WANDERINGS. a HoemruL mimhui; haoical and MUSICAL MELANGE. VILLA ED. to Ml MARVELLOUS CHANOEB of COBTUMX le foil rijht of the andlonoe, nrlthont laavlny thaateen. VILLA II lha loatrainmtalirt.

WILLAJID, the Abler. WILLARD the Deboer. tfcaMMd JtaqreATBUIlLBBqPK an theCHEnTTA whonei Dmncl T. JaAeS'S 6 ALL THE YKAB BOUND. EVERY NIGIIT AT EIURS ITO BEATS, trJSDBKHDATt, AND tATtSEATt At 3 and IhahriUantond dellsUM Krtmtatnnmntoftha Moors and Bobgess Minstrels, Tha lanyori mtahUahod aad nloo tee largest and moot nuacmsTUL oomtary Dr Horliw Peiforraed t'thaiameli TTell tor NINK OONTkCUTIVB Ybill An eriinihin Bimbb wlthnot riw.lntocerimn nf a aina krM ORIY-nYR ARTISTS OT XAHHEHCX.

Tho I wfit ho donereted by K. rom Rnllway Btotloa In Tradon, dtnri to UtWOTAKT HOmL Them la No PuaanBrlM aarawal Ytk a Nfawtral Cotn wmy whoee reel nmmn Ohwua Ofaritoy. The title ol IJhririy Mluatrala nowhtoUy EatlneL IMPORTANT NOTICE. LOWER GROUiTdS, ASTON. Ha.

QUILTER Iim raaoh plcuura in Btetbg'that a ho la layln( down a very hum SKATING KINK, ON THE BBIORWHr PROTOm fTo ma PUUFTOXB PATEMT SKATES), which he bopee wU ba rady for VWtore ehoot Eaater. tether partloolon will rinilVba i BIRMINGHAM ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS AND BlIKUDOUBKK KUTEIa Eekoll ATIDLAND RAILWAY. COOKS EXCURSIONS ill TO THE HIBICIXDIIAM PANTOMIMES, ft 10 SAn-Mbtr Kg'-'T, from Derby at J.R.Dnrton 13a Temweeth. Wllueoita. ft A leu.

from Meneflolil at 1.30 p.m., Bui tan, CBdnor fee Xaerei frere nrktotat o-n. Mennotefliild, Charfirid CtekyJneatbn fitooelieue fdonreeUr. OhaHmbaoi, ft hjhUnlpertisnlaM, at the Station, end at CooKh Exaurekm OWj EDUCATIONAL. AMES BA HALVE dm. Team to.

ftEA-BIDK MELcnET HOUSE, LYTHAM, LAN-1 fcAKllLUg. Tho MIHSEH nALrRKT. iwetow a United ftulT ef Yoeirt Udia FlrriOaei Hoard end EdneftUm MB-fnrjiimii, AVRnCXmtHmOTIC, oral TIOOK-SiEEPING. UYnKaadCQ.conUaiioto glvo LESKOKd te tho above HEW PllBLIQAllOKS GREAT MRS. OLIPHANTS NEW NOVEL, At aU the JUtaerta ITIKB STORY OF VALXNTINN Jl.

HIE BBOTIIEU. By Ken. Anther at TheCboanklre ef dtrilngtanA VBk. crown gra, El. fi fid.

Original ly publjabed In Eltakwnndla tlagarinri. Wiluak BitaCKWonii end fioni Kdhihnrah and London. 80 piwnm lUiji irt own: Mow rnhUaheri, SUpanes aaeh, Paan L. IL. Ann UL, or xna DOCTRINE OF ZION DIVINE REVELATION, JjMttn and HoLLiuewoexH, 10, Dlgteth.

Btnnfaiehare. eriOl IJHOICE UtettMavir1 400" BBLIGIOUB eri yolUL SAYINOE of HHAKEBPEABE. --SS'fiSS. l-'tenMi BraWianu Xaw Jtraet. c3T78 BLOOD PURIFIER." NO ONE SHOULD WITHOUT TUB BLU1 fUftlUKR -lacoliTriwiueiid'e baneiparilla te the great purifier of the hiUiyeheoc lu lU-waeo: oum agdrinte i5dari I IM1 Mi JL J.

it I I I I THE TRAFALGAR VAJMSp Ed EE arAKEP X0GNLNY. RODERICK end BMW" WcojjITnaktaj, i mpeeu potmSonMva taPffrta atlariiMl In Uia Iloue Tweamlng efiont Apply to the AnoUnneni 1 Trfnnlc Bow gate CAPITAlT CENTRAL SPI SIT VAULTS, "THE liLACK Ull rvAiimtooK BTssitr, BisirijmRA-Bt DY RODERICK and be SoIdbvIM va to imed on recently ratmiA yoarv will lw 1 Pnr furl fair. Week Blnnliiehani. THE RODNEY BPIRIT VAUL1D, IWaiT STBEMT, JMreriegheu 1)T RODERICK and BON. To ba Sold, tbo MASS, aiBaafarrggWi UIUH, uA the safe of vfaMi sod wMU pWYgJew lMiwamgrjmwt, BantmwiWraU.

IcP)uV vtrfE corner ri SPREAD KAoLK BmUblitroet, ItT5oorgt. Ai jEEHIVE, A compact, well-known Ihmn: reori raeNUhitly carried on for twetvo year ln-auilm atL Apphr. Uodeilek aud Son. 'pi'KXRK ARMS, Tuner Street, Ipdyiiool Iom A JL expUal mnier rilnatlev, flnln excel tent In and outdoor lmdnM Lveamlnn 334 AppinBodtriok end Saa XAPITaL RETAIL-TAVERN, itr SA Thoeni.vB Ttmreto teh Apply. Redn ip UBST hTBEBTTrAYERN, Gueot StrneA Hoekloyr-ll AatoMltoae mriatmoUkraiMritaHMilta.

In-aanirer IRApptyItederirk ondfinn. JAPITA'L SuimrboTTXiQUbK'VAULT, very ploe-rentrituaUri. Long leer Good counter 1 -Sre JW0MiHai Skmi RMn. OitarSl 1S71 MMeh ssh tm iiHwymiiff nmiva inaMiwa nrt anil ather Miaaallaiunuv Good rr.Mn Iavrabrokcra at Dlr- kralirad. Caventie.

Weteariwmpian. Hmlntaen riUUnd. and ather tnwn aad ten alter Penan rent lorUntrearrad fial by Auction, SJY T. CARTER, on TUESDAY NEXT. Fsbrnmy 23, et ilia Athanwem Boonw Jempla Hear.

Iliirelnfiliera. Bala aaranaeaea at It r-'eteeft HkbHriroailwiii. noChKIiOLD rDlUfETURSaail tjtoatetaTtaita (acafved tan UiWore. fi Union fitrret. 88 Vahialiie XBKRUULD FROi-KliTY.

Ilibeoi gtaSetdahlr lb be Hold lij Auction, SAMUEL HAKE It, at tha Ohwat Waatam lira. Street, Dllaton, an TUiWDAY NEXT. Potanair Sfi ee Ihe crewing hriWtat to aeniitirnx then to bo peoriaead' afi that vntajw aorner Item of DAMIft rooriaPgMy aiul emiKHailfnRly 1 railed fronting. to High fit roe end ako he ring, an exhai wive frontage tv tiro road leertiug to reouetioM Furnace and nearly apuwUa te llarMmni fitaro hi Uta luipertont town at IMrimi ngeabar ellh tha WtEUTlONS rod VKMUK WAUJXO now an Ua aabl Land, nut nf which nritbreKy fixmad aha wtaoF, ihe Green Dnini, tlie Ueanao Cortlfieito for wli'ich haa bean non-' tor taken an ami whiah rita imaeuto a eommamllag ritaationite tliatrontlanelagiwl fiptrik Vault Mug In ihahnay part of ufidt Moral and to tha mKat of piipnliaii aafelibrnbienl. anil warm axteualr ban, end.

and otter week fart nt reMptamkaa an in the oecnpiliea of Henry Jana end Ai ri JT1 that etPritaatul BNTAIL SHOP, ako fronting IDA Mane and attach thn Goldin Cm wllii thareabla read VrrrniM and Appuniowneaa tlwrtu htUoneiia Sow In tha naan potion of Mi, riawi and eentainliig Detail Shut Hitting Room aad Kitchen. Ucllfknny. and Una ItentOMa Tha whim of iwariati aautain Ht npnm gudt of tanA ag tharaabuntei VHithnr pertirehira and phui of tM nrorgrty may ba nhtofnad rat apidcatian tn Mr. W. Morgan.

Sollefxor, WatnloDStrea linte hem ar Ihe Aneuanau. Onmali Btraa Biktan. and VlfHlanlmA MS ivS'rpooJT Tf-lSE eeanunt of whom it AND Bl'lxrr SALKS. On OwKUJnatan at 13 North John 8PIB1SA 8 EL VTOI JO AXfl. Tfhw end Writ BY VmATS C0HTSACT.

TWITATp OUT, Mniarrf Kn Btaveti PVwapiMa, TY OILIilT find lio DiiipMcd ot, the ftlMvo AnanAan OnraM TAVEHX. with Wlua Umms, jwsmi Strewn. na-abm Oiwnre etk aenaOBip tea pleldril yiea Ah4k Offitt and Ron, IT. NinlM. AR3UL Wrentbara 8Una GD.BBRr bn Din lieariara am eetlr aad eoaierlee Bocre.

wefi HUad-ep Bar. rap with Ttw above pranriitor fbr the goat -slsJhMUt ytapre the wiroflil, n. TAVBHir righhaurhond. ro oath with avaay aonrenteua for tonge Iwatruwa The amount of Malt iwaged Ditnpgwl of. Ytate- UURR HCWXMte.

GOODWILL Blue BETADj TAYRKM Imyenvlnx iirighbourtvood. auteuo far 1 aBhaakteXhtaam YteTO-UURR IX POriSKWiaH ol thtadarinMaanmli ted in UkUtaktepopeMal aud bri-le amanwdeuf LOMteehri itoararing aduwt SMl Apply. nTGohaan Rom, 881 "A IT1US TAVERN, IVheolor Strani-To ba SoU, in lVjL eaoaameamaf tha dtaU of Propebter. I roe eathw Fnmlail Frewlne weekly, Iitwntslng low ta an Gilbert and Son. AaoiStwer IT.

Cnlmmw Haw. 808 MLORTANT OUD-IJCKNaKD ilOUSK, in a capital STJWSTi moroDow, 988 liKTAIL TAVERN, St. Geornia. In a expitol naiglv n.fifhmrtimkL InmritefiJlML Apply. ODteatmdnm Tatoan 17.

Wohaara Bow. E8SRS. GUAYBOK.ndlVB aw inatraateii TAVKRX; tha proprietor haring pawharod Ua Gnat Wariam VanHr 1 oll by Prir AVKRX; tl anH Cnvenliy RnaiL I'aatieakn ottba AaeRaneant TeroptoRowithroaf BnllHtwri 8U Tfif Ktit*' 1 JfNnml8tiYALKKK bay for ataa uui-iinot trwla. Taking 13. wMeh.

by an ami petty. aodd he inereeaaaiodSlfi Bhooinlng low. Apply, tar particular at Ua Aacrionaari Oflaa I 2tega HNRS6B8. OKAY, 80N, trad WALKER have recaivad 1TJL liwtiusluM to Diroovo of. In onmaananro nf.

UMitalU, the GOODW1I.L andPOgHHfflOX nfj a firotelaw OU-UCIRWBD nounfi writ known aa lha WWrrw fiWAW ritaata iriatal fttree trianalar abort, dokra Urtara bneheb weekly, weidreakem bade In fipirSte BmdiilliBU-FH fitriharpar-rticalre apply to Anattaaaera, 8 Tbotph Row. BT BSiSRSrSDfAY, SON, anA WALKER hnra for Bala llotaKTdqaarVlann and ObWlcanred Ta varn fraatAML JO, end Retail Pranilcia ml Hfora from iML hifiM Parennai appHeatian maat te made at 3 Temple Row, Una daan front Boll fibaa 893 Gwretao iUlWh; VJffiuik- SEAL haa rcccivod inatrucKona to Sail by riloatad a Privata Traate Ua aharo Ornulna P'INCRRN, hi aa auriliane tharoagMiu and dantriy tana yaonf baa end doing a vt iE71B. Aiiply. 1 Union fibaa bonier Suburban RBTAIL TAVERN, BreaU Heitl J. 8KAL hufor Rale thia important TA pft ini ta a mnarndta iMas nHMitawtaoA.

EkmfflJS'Stfnriftte aw, and a very nominal ran, fitinitd taciaua forollapoalngof tha linanmtag eboat at the AwtteMtaVOflkc mfitaartT 11. Union IfcaVtafl SH HerihH Wi J. REAL haa iuttruotioni to Sell thie caaoina Httlu oppcfflncn. and rtcialere. at Uw km tetgata ta mnaodwta a MRTA1G TAY131N.

wlth lwtvafT ihupravtoaBabhhonririwd. Unadre nf imty Eu. To be kH a dwkdad te fa, nek letrrbeear. Apply, 1 UWnn gtrec rillVO nlil-eiiabTiahwl anil tralUraown JL YAU1.TS. (land Inure.

In rerekV' 393.8(1 hredb purrtixeeniiHn tew, particutoratigio Saa Anatmwre and Vahtre, UjUtdim Strutt ftstati tiinn. sn licmniMDt Uw hqto T1 haportmt CMOBMI bMMJBHtou JOSEPH GREENnOVY. TO be DSapomd of. Vrivato Coni' GgODWj arid from opt neitkxt. Tha waekly, tn addition to lcnw ccnrenictliwi nf rplrlt and by man double the ttiiib ha dan ftc Mty Itad Rnoic UmuTshtet noomi ntlra lnl, with rmc tantOnitaSiut Total faoaunffi tha taut.

Itetartatatanmyta htd on MpiftWwL.ta Jot Oronf wax, Awwtttr wd Yitan 1 Otaw Btwofc IftiwlMbiB. hi Hisjf AWI) OTlOKKWiTHri kmty riwuST RY JOSBPH OK Il thou MUtaMOhl etrrtat far Ua vataabla Ftart-an FOflSWWI.IJN at To' tha acred TAVERNS roari ttenpari andratkw ra- neemtfnlty carrir nlM laln Hathfaewiy laantai S)fi Aanlr tn tha Anatiaaare. lfi. Caaneci fibatft Btacrinriitra. Xft nfiZKliOUSK.

Horitanromring iFimSth warily. In wnttog DY JOSEPH To be Dixpotml of, the I ahree notoilRETftlL TAVK1UJ. OMUprltaa lbia-otowrjl- tSa, anAlwtas aoH in ontimurt of ta Wtatho urWtor. Awitr. Joacrti Ctajawy.

IlCtoomm tamit DI ta'siMvuta JL Uoabncft the ribava aanbafiralbwtedMGfilfiftjaimrttag ale no getkperoan and sr- PBEMIBEB TO LET. rKEMISl To'bE LCTrAppir to IHKCH and Kriate Agret Iitoumffiam. IJBM. IIRMINGHAM FESTIVAL CHORAL SOCIETY. VraPKlMJOIMT HIOHABD PEYTON, Shi.

TheOwddeelere the honmer to aewaoeea that the THIRD CONCTKBT of the 15th tarta, will lie given in the SOWS HALL, THURSDAY RYRKIKO JTDXT, VSR. as. Ik canaM of HAYDEN 4,0 A I AND me FIRST MASS. S50 PERFORMS MADAMS ALVSLEBEN, MB. VBBNON BIGBY, BIB.

LEWIS THOMAS, MR. H. FAEMKIL 5 Tn eotaiaoiiee et belt-pint Berea rtoofc, Senwfonl Matte WMbS5n! MTaI Unremrrod Cheel dellaorThL VloorTV Ksarsr2EErTaaBraE2Er Heat Aden and fTIHB SEVENTH GBBAT ANNUAL EXHIBITION ash HALS or PUBSBBSD SHORTHORN CUTTLE WM taka jlaca OS WEDNESDAY ASD THURSDAY, MARCH Sao tn iO) HEAD oTaialainaCtfce I tdjiwTo? wnTiivTHa WIHTanS cESJewi Drelfurim. Gwytuw, and other Im Offered far Sale by Anrtlno, hr Hr. "ittJilJJS The anti HK1 and' ahnnt 1 of tha DULLB, eUl ho mWjuixiHDAy.

tlM hilaf Mi SULLh. aU yaarllofa onTuoamAV. The wOL aoMnaMt at 10 oa mdon Til fnaitaytho AnaUaB WIU i aadat dttwSalai oaVnck. tha AnaUm will aommenee ni 10 o'alock. Woohf tha Hall, Ooa BhUlInf, Opm at ID on Wadmedar, aaal hypoal LYTHALL, Boorabug 0 on yiiawdiy, -xanant- jtSEir Bhilai IJell.

Bfnatnalmm. OUGH 0 iBIRMINGHAM. ROYAL AGRICULTTO AT, SOCIKTY-a I Ttanrliy oourane a lBUOMiSKTINO Uila Bomnab, to he held la the Oommlttee Kooai of tha Torn (ThaaiUy). tlie lathday of JWmierj loatuit, at IB ffflwflt nooo, To reortra a mainaniaallDn from tha Hard Ajateultinl HocMr of ltadond, md to eonitdir the notnloW of Inrlttaw ttMdoalalytoAoM fee Annual Omuitry fieothn for IBM In tola borofuh: audof forralne a Local Oatnndttaefv tha pop- wnaea nfaueh main Ins, ead mno4fnaoSk 11 Temple StnahManaw 1OT. BiBMIjfOHAM iffiLHiiOUS EDUOAlnON BOCIKTY; ANNUAL arm BIRMINGHAM.


DALE M.A.. Hava, B. Thodor Alton. O.BL Johnaan, J. Brawn, It.

Omni Drown. andoUMre wfll eddram lha Pfimlnr TheTaaahaxamdjimriandaloteriittdln tha warirot tha fiuatay HE FIRST filBjnjWOftiat TP MIDLAND OOgSTlfe i nrsimmoB dor nudbjbl Thp AinrUAX, OENESAI, MBtrnVO of Onvemnn wM he hold in Uni Ihmd Hoorn of the Triatltntlffli. Ho, 1R Oeaoaot, I oUoak on Tin kxt, Kth iuatoni. Tao aw wui ue teltan fay tho Rzr. CANON WILKINSON.

ms J. OOUKTK A YLOB DHonorary Boantmr. ENTRAL ASSOCIATION FOB STOPPING THE balk or iKToauuAXura uquoiu on suit day. A FUBLM MEETING to. ainport Air.

C. H. WUaoa'a fiun Yorinc JBtu, will bo hekl to the Town JUtL BUnrioBhoak on IbBbtT am, Ihbratuy fll Tha Ben WM. BOIHfiSON. Lreaedtoit ef fit.

CtoroeniX Mha-IteXor oad lha Rev. Ml ALFRED BTEUiTIiAIa of will attend aa a Deputettai, Tha followlas firieode atoonj olham am etoo eepaeled to ha PBmtl Bar. Jamal lank liar. L. IL Ttavoat Vary lLer.Caiun J.

It Baurrato Jhh jT.O. I Mr. btomnller White, 7 JO nm hr EBY. CAX0K KL aaah. may iTfrewOMeai; The Choir wUI WILKIN BUN, IJ.D.

Aflniladoa rFUDU Tiehata Air lUeaiTid he had at the Doily Peat, Daily Oauar. aad Mimiiag Mr. fhnwair Brand fitrwea; Kr. Nmtt, Ttenpemoe Street Grand lota Blert Oanemva fitraei i Alii Hew Street OluueF of KnflMid youny Mn (Jhi Ka. mriuliay BtmearYotmy Mirii'aOnrlaUi mn.

a y-'EagY DAY SCHOOLS, WEST BBOMW1CH Em, RICHARD a MOMMY im ly Woaley Ohapek Berrleatooammanm atmrm efotorib OoBaatioa ia Aldefthaliradaof tha ahaea Behoria railwXy BEUTilHPS PATENT ANY (LOOTED). BALTLSY WORKS, bear RIRHIKOKAH, AXLE-SOX Nhffae fa krdijta that tha ORDINARY HALM' niiiimAI. KRtfiara of Uw 81IABHMOLDBKH of eanr rautm hold aa Ma Imariilajh Otileat, hat Wi 1IALF-YXARLY ahtoOam- Victoria mraahSatajT on Wnnauv nifitta llkhnuiT Inetonk alSovabklnthaaftoniooB. iXreetota Brinit and Btalamant of Aobonato la oal nmeatad once in tha year ait tha AwM madlnel. tMaimMla Mil he Bundy of afuaaadnatona hattomndmidamimryhy th Aitldoi of AamriaHan otrim Onapony.

JBv onlar. HEHBY JONAB, Baantma Ulh Frimruy. UTS. fSii aT sAnxy of (jHRnrnANS wm ho heu UvarpmCi 10 jSih Car BoaaiMd Beria to aeaommndaAe frfemia ftam a dh-Wlleauan to Woiql V. Jooee aad Crx.

taaee, aaay ha had rat anytlaanon tot Mania, w. BL Haath (tealla BmSTldraapaol, not ktor thm Nth lint, THOMAS K. OS4T D. M. 0, DIXON, Kv, Traaramr.

A RnaribrS Ptooe. Bl M. DBYBDALK, 8eeteary, Keyrna Rnad. jKaa SHAWHTTHB'KR, (jamhiiila 0AB1 -ten: CASH the ALUIL OCirgONHjMHre ABQENTIEE HUW aIEall 8UHO(5L DI8TKKJT, NOTIOH Til BU1KDBBE AND OTHKUfi. DEES are required foe Beildlai certain Dnendery VTalkl at meMenffspariflaalloiia nuurte rem at tha Oflee of the ender-bored Itoee YuaenAg reralle fikdliwlan toFamAT, tha filth ms both dare loel new rinneof Teiel will be recdvnll.

All Xandea touri te tent to to Wall" at my Ofito Uhureh Sf Temlwnanyhe obtaioad ol ray Odle Xo WM Bmewiab, on or before npnuofIUtonuM.y, tha fftelnrioat. Tha Kenegoa do not bitul thunuelnn to eoeept th lewt or eny Tender Weri Brain PATRH By Order of the Tebrrauy 1. 1OT. WARD; Cke ns jti ItoW dgkaatoat UcXEONE. Deooaeod.

All Pi-reona "kh Unell. oa of tho KncaMmef the Kere; end nU rereoae tevtag anyUahn or Demand me ar liwt tho aald Illriak MeKeanu, am nqntrieJ to KKXDrAR-hiLABII b) ut, 0 that aam may te exemlnefl, end if dueberend. Latoil thb aevenioeiuh day of KMcnaqr, U7A JjkftLn tlARIUOUJ. aad HHAllS, SeUeltore to tha Eror nwee, 30l Watorioo itroet, Slrnilinliam. (U PURSUANT to Deeres ef the High Court ft I-RYTON WRIGHT, late of EibS, Ikunawlak fiqaereL hi lha eonnty of Mlddlaeax, Moiulr and enartuor In toe brei of Jrim aud Kilwtii of the Vnhraaa Wrefc MUlealL Pnpla to tharahl Monty I V71O! II pocnluante n.

uailv I TO Si COLUMNS BjasiaSSaiitea SelySnpralntedrtar adjndiaaUag on the OUm-Oatod AdregtlesBrintoferFarelgn Xeire-jee th Wait rartlgn. Omani, and ComraoroUl Xkweol Spoetlag, end Loral Xeee eg to theho*r ef taim Oman, oanbox mbm lttonlnghafu and le, imeteUate iltetrie 8 CAUTION TO PURCHASERS OFSTKSL PENS. YOSEPH GILLOTT, PeuThker to ilia Queen, havinq SS upon (TniMwmar VhiPtm Torki lterailntiimi A YANNOT OOillT THIB'WliK. Xlvt Paandi I reeled tauly 'Oka you mod ma aa JL Iky dtretoon of tho Enontom of Iho tola Mi Dntothf pilmori. TURBDAY NEXT, Phhreerr BMMlEffl) tUh, naban rMtojngtft' itortmi Uiarlli Mnj endt ra tintiron Chimney Ola fi Flnriron Glilmney Glnraw eml 8 A OF OJf I 8 TUllBDAV NEXT.

AT BIX. RODERICK and SON. To be Sold by Auction, jt the Aeom Unud Tamplo Btrae Mnntefheak a. JKMJAY XhXT. Hwwuy XI etCorctoakhi HwermSSlftet to enmlltMiu to he then prenneed i Umatim of lha Tnwtora nf the T5Y it I TuitelJA to enmlltMiu to he then prenneed i Lhc BTrEkT.

(By dire Into Mr. Th' mm A valnab eemrelhr-rituetad. end vmy Unurortox YHK lUI-D PROIliXTY. mpriafnn the aomineill pwriltoeHnee Na In Ooegh Stree heerSetaik tenet, with Yard aiU Piembte tote In the neeupeUnn of Mr. Bryan, and wvwih a rant of about at.

aun tha emnmndioua DwelUne llouM, Na 33, In EUk Streoli ktta Mini GUlwit, ate not of jBM. turn Front pn.wnt.Naa. Si and ti. In KIHn Htree kt at well mmibb 1 firm it rente eeweieflna ftp tal to Mr. Hedm end making the vital atrtat taontaie of yenl andeantataa 300 arieaia yank.

Lit IfUJrrKlfH LANE. A Mart derirehle mEKHOLD PHOPEUTY, eonpriahie lha flier ooauoodloua Mid tendanma fleahUiiiita cellwl MaNoii lLAUK." altiielr in limin'! Lam, 1 tha manor and peririi of Acton, jmt ant of the horenrii nf Irnneirfieai rery mrletontlaitr heilk and tevtnyaoawtouawayaa Je hack, now tn the oeoupetlona wepietlvely of Mr. Kertaafare, Mr. ttltrhojl, Mr. IUriK and Mr.

Thrower, at rente id 30.. 18., l. and CEBm raekln-f a torn! rental of I1R per annum. Thu llaoMa am rnnMrkal'lr wali bulla ond fUtwl jnatelM hew Bed Knnnu, Water Chant, Itoitoar. I HnlnuKM HalL thilna I'antey.

Kltdmn, e. JiWI hue a In dui redr end trim Palleadce In front. ter Chant, 1arloer. end her a mod Ganlm The lari eontatn. 7jS ainareyarde and haa very emuiilnahla fnetagoi iui A-fiUHO HI Til Two vary desire bia DKKOW1.

known aa Eiomraxn fnaU nf Soha Nlll. Nan lairortto with mod Darden in the rear, now In the uaanjMluai nf Xiu Tyeoc owl Mka Tuokey, at tbo tow rente of fit. ami 37. reipMflvvIy, Tbo above lloorea atand writ bark frere tha mail, with bww In wnk end here mtadanlkl aad hemtoneie arena raao they are oet of the hreoneh, yet wlUiln eoay walk of tow and are In all retiwte emd end rieriraMe reeldenee Leaneliald for nvaate-nva yean at GhrltUnealoak 0 round rent 13, lte. ahont HOD TurtCEATK BTRYET.

-Three antetontkl TREtTIOLD OUfifsl, Xn 800, SilT and BA, hi Ilmlh Streak, near Wlnvn man Uoail. Blrmlnytem Utalh. with Yard Garden and Ont-bu'tdiuy rnmins carapace owl aaoeBont reepatty, tat to pood tenant and prodadne et ihedvrele renU MR Ueewnti JSB aqiure yen Lit A MfWKWiY. The doebebla Rmn FREEHOLD BXSI-DBRCX. known a Cuimp Go run rilmud tn lha OUtoa Rnad, Koettoy, with very torn, wetl-iVeetod.

and reoat pradoallva antwi wtth Orertehonea, nm neeonetleo of Mr. Dote who WIU vo early fwieewlon to a purrharer. UmUataTM qnareyanK UitL-VKWTOWN ROW. By dlreeMon of Two wialaltuatad rrimt HOIIBEHTrin Ul aad S3R Nawtown Row, aw EateteM Kuee nod TwollUUBEfi at thateck. wkk Tent, Pomp, ond Out ledbllng leadedag rente arnonetine to MR Ih.

par annum. Den fiflynilue yean el hUitnelnni lari. Ground not et 13 Lor T. EXHNME (Ny direatlon of tho Martwgol DWBujjiu noUHK, Ntoaj(irid Hker, near Kjtend Street and Vaunhton Ktreek wli Knntakr In th non now in th nccupotlon of llr.l Yard and John Bollard, Tbrm. eUdriydlveyoen In June null Graund rent MiiuMtk! IWIalim KdmonTnirori: to Latf, to Mr.

Wflllnm Holleitur, Nawlmll Huvel: find aa tn aU tha Lot to the Ano- Ikmpto Bow Worn, rifnnlirtham. I Ed llirtteSertijl PinnouLSiH OF MODERN HOUSEHOLD FURNITURA war lb ORAVhLCY BILL BAILWAY STATION, at URnNOTON. BY IlODBniCK end SON. Ito bo Sold Ire AneUon.aa WEDNERUAY NEXT. FMmiy H.

ontnmonehre at H-htunL buine Spattlah Mnboanir, Arabian, and othor BBIkrtKADfi: Mnt-Iraffte fineiteUMr Beil arerbta-trei ue bane oad otl-r milit TMIm; Tolkt Okmee and Sarrioo. Cteato ef Dranee atantb flewifttik RunHcftar. uH Ms oad UitBL rntwawwif Ruom KurnHare, In orem ve'ret ut other lUhlee fTanlerbuty, mahnyany onoloacd Bhlit' Iv Ifinlne llama end nay Chaff Sofa, Cmidi. OUavy Chner Greaieam render rlrctroi Window Ihwtetu Water Cohan Entrariny l-toitoireph Cnnk Cnite aitfnwent BmaMle Canedh n.arthrcR Kltcnuit PurnHera, Ooo'fing Utanril and other BM of geo Unman ranoriag to a UUautkMae XTtenpte Bow Week EhretagheoL CAPITAL FREEHOLD PROPERTIES, MDXTON CtlLDrlELD. RODERICK Mid SON.

Yu bolBoM by Auction, 'at lha Rigri Hotel, Kitten CnMfioM. on WEDNNBDAV XT. FUnitry at 0 n'elaefc In tho orenlnc ly iHroriton of heu In tnu and euliteet to ewulltliuia to he then wolneod i VarL Ttaedhriantlalmd gwaowitloue REfilDESOfiv recently CoidlteMT rom2nlmf''tlirac raod Bed Room bnireni In otcninUon of Mia. Kory PlrakiU. tloreaiicd, tony ptoeeintly Jlf4knd Struck near too UtefloldBqad, Her 1, Manor, Knttou ilnuiea Hall.

Par-amt tearing tore and Unwreanial Gardon, Stahto. and UwriageWa Geruen Plata In front, tho whole oontalelng ahont MO annarfl Thla vary oarinbio aewll Itaaldanoe hold forntomio. nem, armlwl In MU, at a petPorecen root, and la vinal to fMehoU, llrilliteflftift QMftoMgil Mri MA Lot S-TteDoSlNlL a edited Old-lloiBiaed tee. CRvatoottha mtnue lo Hatton ChUUMd. oikI oppiwila to the road I tho PartraDd Botlvey tetion with larm Garrian.

Yard, ami aetanalna KtaUlny, lha whole being 1H 00 yoore from Lodpday ktri aft a rent of Md Joha WBIrile tor TMo latkPraehOM, Xyf 3LmA VMhMi lKItTY, ottwgiMttgtlM "nbfTfihx ctnlu) Uareited Vleuiallttrii Ham rilaata in CotettMU Ktra GaUMd, with Jlioebretoi. fitahio, Plggerie Ynd Bowling and nther gelanolvo jwotutaa for tnany re if In the Mr. WltEanrlMhY'enl nnw of Mr. uhar-u Kteit elm, tlie afartmttal HijUaRfi edinlnlpg with Yoril ldererlr and The whole la held on repairing keoe te Mr. Chariei Kent, tor a onu lie ring rixlgm yaua nnutphed at Lady-day next, at lha low rent of MR The Property tee a froetaga afnarfa thirty yard trad wntoloa a irentqamtfnr nf land It to ritnato in a moat eenkal aad hn-I penriuft part oftho town, nboaM toreeodiatriy opporitu the mpnoeh to tho hi tended Now MSkful Railway fitoHoulWtilnri Rraueh), md taeni llaoonroiartdtmotptralporttanreuet madly to Idre A ntBEHOLD OOITAOE, with Clarten, ritaata In co*ktihiUHtoeo neorthe Perleli Churali, at Button CoUlOold.

In the oseapeHon ef Joeaph Larkin aa waekly tenant, at a rent of its. 1 at He ghaw and of the Be Mr. Hfdbreltemd hr renna eed further nartlenlani apply to Me SALg 07 PROPERTIES, NABOB UHL RODERICK end SON. To be Bold by Auction, TUKA 8k MUkw Itodk near Fan town Row, with Ykrii and Bnrwhoite ranantly in occupation of 1 attator, ami now tat leaer. hariee iaven roam nuaxpllvl.

it I mt at 8h: aka the FMnt HHUlKlte gadjoinin ami a HryUiiK end KHuPriND et ivato aamantlei RS! "TOKKrl-iDr U-Two eutetantlel 1 tfiPhlUlf Ing irute eamuntlnx to Jtlt. 8 pariumein. Total S'. Tam riehty-ihrea yean at Indy day 313 aouani yenl dhvetlnu of UmKswntnre ol iDWUUJXG HUUSEft Mo t) awl 4fi PkiUlra tftrroL Arton Krookg HlmoHl iimuadUitUy oppom ihaTufonril Inn. with wikir I Ynvdii.

Oul-bu'MUicK. wvt Utba QnrdflM a rear. 1M rammMrdr tiding taMr. Dnrd aiad Mr. Upton, at iwate i.

Ttna rlghtyyvara atladyday i iroancatlvriy toifiS Ilk. pro Gnondnat, fi Tha anbrimlial and oororeodloui 11BSID r. NCK, known aa IlMRuftTn betaf tirr fi 'AMCLY Bn. Kftto tha iSSUi ia-tY-r wltli awiainia Lawn In front, and Tory largo wnllw1dnGaidan in Ua rear, the wM ooinprWng IUI wpura yard Cant tevtag IhMpateyrea (tew Drawing Rome and other luting tar back from the rood, Iladdn Garden in fit il Lraerhofd (or a had 1 Thkimifbitable and amellant Itaridenaala altai 1 nuri pbamnft okreteil, owl healtliy nd 11 krenfe whnatof walk af Xawatwt on near to Otenp Hlk Kailwu ritalion iltniii te dm of Um oiur healthy rabaite of Uia town, within mat read I mown la "AUnans. wisla jaxuicn in re reiroanre 1 '-1 l5tBgftSEOAllL-An edkitring.

and taimm ironaria rirailar liHSUJKNUK, known, aa" lWOOriWiLU." wb acvaayaen at tha ten Tina eteat afghtyrira mil ih, U0FD in wealiait Beefclenwjaiow. mnoh nndar- The I Streo adlolidnt lha Chnpel. end near to WllHa Ui ban'ltoine ami eMuinndioua WKL 'SMgBaaaff a TamUaw ana eaioril Ua Lot to Ua AuSmwot owWeri. Rlnnlnriuue. Mt HnltrHor, Groat floHellor, 18.

Tw" fi TriupinHow BALE OF PROPERTIES. MATNIIT 3, Ifiifi 1)1 RODERICK nmi SON. Ttt ha SoM by Auetion. let It 37. lie- and It It Freehold, and ooutal! Lot ft (cleft with vmy breoGerdeoe one belngln tha oeeupettan of Mr.

llUenn. lUaOmur who will idve oariy uttnulnn to a putteiwfr. and haring Gtmnhieiw and utra naopannodaUnn fa utlmafad aa.watth aiml IriStiaal thaethrelafathcoeaapatlnuof Mr. Aaidiy. at a ran axobUont xmall Rtriilanaraara ritaatotal Ua art of the Uh eater Koai and era within Umw aslmrire walk nf lha UhW StaUan.

Treat efehvyetlna yean at Xhtaa SSfL5ssaii5, thofrfrSw mtoSZZ lidM 2u fto anmmw taMnwnilUKMij I "l-HKBIETTA praduaiug rente eetotmting to C8. 11 par DM on ua Stall Bapte mBre lie Ground i Erecatore.1 fitroten, AnwoUloft rnnsa. Tm oiavau yoan -An' 11. av elng mil of five aaveml Uround Renta of ill. At, ffiMTitei.ft 1.

awl mtanntlta taUer hi .13. Uk. ana raamed Uak Triven awl fihapt and lloaui far a tom tevtag Mr eubltot to a ground ffirlfiYn EUtatfttffpifi Ml naaxpfemdln Dearmbreiaeft mtWfem I i rfTBKDEBS will ba Foooivetl at tbia OlHcn np Cantorial Oneka Ubhbi md Atnus Store! Copper Nolle Wnmehl Iran Hlepea Mth farbk. Iran Made lit Bfamka rliliirillMMataiMl an I doufe tea Fl nota llth Marbh. AN flaWeariminarraameiaatmaM hove Uanlraeto aio tor epeeDle nnanlHJea of theaevaral and fnr force nl damnify wllliln etalal narioil Tandem eeey he tor the wholaer any per Moa at Cmtoieli Thalr Lardehita ilo net hind Ihetneelria to accept the lowaal or euy Tnnlnr.

end ratorra to themaeirua the powar u( aaeoptlueany o(iTimw, at prloee ehonld bo (Iran ell trade dhooento batoy oUowed In ttjipnMADii Panama of the AriJelaa an to ba man, md Torment Tender, one-' parttoelmi ere to he nhbalned on oppliooMon to kr. Vhetoay, Bmot Btniet, Nbmlmtiom, Po ton Boob, Ml HeeuetomEor, RWl Tarim Trader ejy elan teohtelnto ifa wit eppItiiTlnn oeijrl Wortee SlrBAXCDI W. BGWBKLL, Dhnetor of Oontreeta. I To iui onteaprielnfi Ounthiemn title praeonto a meet taranraWe fjmttJSGHAll dAitlGHft! A CUKl! ObMPAlrtT. th.

FiteM toS have thatoonof taklmal a rrinltai, In lha oidhnuy may. tho Btoent Snetne BoUer, Tnnuo or any other portion of the writ-arranged achinery Jf or further jyrttontat. Tldt. tn, Verna. Bjrtnw toM, or Uw AneUanoar, Bk Stoat Waal it OlBcn np to doVuoalc tMlov, far fmo monUntiaii Dbeatam inrlto TKKDRK8 tar lha Pnrbhew of.thc SAB TAR anueai Tar will ba daUvered free into the Dadiliiat.

(tlaeua, Wlnfiowa uid Ikaiau, ml Doom and ham audaerwt vaneiy of valnahb SSrvJSi. COLLECTION OF MODERN OIL PAINTINGS, A IEW WATEEdXlLOCB DKAW1X0S, AND CHOICE PROOF-BXGBAVIKOE. E8SH8. LUDLOW, DANIELL, md ROBERTS will Hal DRAWING, Oof XHUena Woctnr ssr IK Unto hnow OW7 Batar Y. H.

Hmlwv ggy fXiranSDAY NEXT, THE EHPORTAKT GOLLEOTION OF HIGH-CLASS OIL PAINIINGB AND WATEB-OdUlUR DRAWINGS Of (araeal Elehteriao Harp, Jeto nf Edyheeton who bee now at 11 fftrioak HIGH-OLABS PICTURES. Fred. ltoilOB oiC Pb ilwMIabr 3ij anottwr grand Kvampto, Wk ly Mhi. and Mix: alro emaU KproUwna o( Um uiaa Artlri Ifeetdrew "Reeira In th fibrariaf one tMn.

te and (he other Ma by Win. Ttm Wuriftlu Oil, ly WJimiML hylAUKH PKNIa te A. VICEERA hr 10I Deter). hyj. THORT A veiy Aee Work by.

J.HILI B.A. an, JnhnMeeple Willie nf Defleld Woodnrd, of Utah 4U.7HhL SbflMM Bate yggf Ylaal dole Tht T. Jonu llarkar i'. Mr Mettle A. I Walnvriyfat 3P.

Pooto. A. aRTHiltU T. OnuiUh as- Naymrith Olf VIEW THH DAY PBE0EDTNQ THE BASH renermaybe otitalnad at the OBeea of tho Auakoaoeei 01 te init naal rree neon written appUeottai. 130 xx lujuidation.


BSI0KKAX And JUSTIN BBOTfXE, AMFRICAN' ORGAN, Bt Mrtofari end A NEW MODEL HARMONIUM ftrtarifii ri Filer ELEVEN-STOP HARMONIUM, By Aktam iff hi Oak Ltew; A VALUABLE VIOLIN, Guenenicai flat VtataneaBa: aH Vlolfne In eanae; Thn. XB8. puanlw of tent Kuei niKxkir Mneie Nlrt -TktI'lA BOnBTH ore eT iraaearof nreriOerenr erhacaaaSvbaatsetmftin brakat fried "We afUegto of iVqftorienw maalelly Aiwa te fft ftate, ee Hr. Brldtmmft lai tern caMwereif one af fit lergretaateaetfikeie fe de eT5 sijtmut attd tiurt it eri'ft'efa*gld 'ferirareari ftp aa ftvwter Oe Vlawlha Korahigaf EtlairaailttaEadkk Fulldeaeriutlre oatnlagnai may te lahtehroTj at lf ad Patay, PuhHo AsaMietanl fi Final euy Cbm 1 Lrnllnw. DenlgratT AeStium FOTrcll OF IMFOBTAXT BALE SEASONED CABINET WOODS, VINBIgg.

ETAVKfi. ft. On hlita toratr FIOODOA TX EKBITBND, fSSfomaflStS 4m' 000 AmtakftoPUVn UU0 Waluaoot Oak VLANKjl and WU rtOTA BAUKA I'rieud Quabee STAYER by S. RLOORE gad BON, en MONDAY NXXT. Wtiawuy 1 latllefatoek.


WILLIAM HOLMES find SON Levs iwmtywd ricmUma to Stfi te JMteriitaa oa THUIWDAY, lha tth dw of Men n-Uie Culbierion of PIGTClIEfi and DfiAWIMOS i enrepritlM Work In GO, I The flreurlifc R.A. GimgaGola terns XLtLilann AMD IX WATERCOLOUR BY Dnrld Cnx John Syre Hxyea gar a-f ni of rata. I I I I I i Cqnpenyk Weak Teuton, wbloh 1 may yxn the Akh net talar there 1 "Maihrta The Dlreeion do nol hind thwnerlvea to aceept tha hlfheet or any jtaUtorjhVmay require reaannahhi reouribr tar ilae SdfiluiA of Any fmthor Infiwnwtfiei aaay ha nUefned an oppHrathm to tho Chief Mr. Oterim Hunt, at the Oaework WU dmr Br order of Hie Dtraolor IT' INCS NORTON UNION. APPOINTMENT of Kirve IWnmeiwUUreitowidertakathai.

of the Nertiieni Dietrui nf tkeUnlao, eomiilr-with thi fatul.tfcii -of Uia lxieal CcwemraMnt-j'ro: Tha paraoa aiipotnuxl will In neinbad to dsvole Ida- when lliaa to tha iluttea of hla nfife to ylr aeaqritr to th els rtamS; eawlteete-e baudantt- prcrloua oeonpatkiu aaaonqw otcxoaeu'Dl tiiree in naeiter, then SukruiiDAY, Uw 10th amonna of MR.uaJto roddaitaBah'plac wetihi Rend may oaorav of. AppSeetlao iatho lag, rioting eg preani end prcrloua. taetlmoolfili or recent ilain, no tarweided to mo not later eoaorapanlatl by I my bi I day of TbiTHertlfui wfll taka ptata on falliairiey, theftth lerieat, and aakriad ahudMatpa will hare not lee to reload. (Ria will he mlilsri to tho approval of Ua Intel Oaramt IbDflUlateaare deaf rail iwt lootaka tanouolapjilloathiu i For taitbar tetarraatta legetoed, epgHraltai may ba amda t0a- Byoidar, BALFU DOOXHB, Clark. Bonnl Booae fiellr Clek.

yternorr 1ft IOTl tH CrTpkMsrjo vfssc Bahooliaariarr a MegiiAr. the Ua APpdbTp- tnKB, Dlatriet Sabool WJguoi Wort Bniairloh. Sala-y fHOL par onnijni, with ouch fiirtliar Him Of any aa may ha awerdad by tka lanl Oovratunont Unanl ou the report of her iriiariyklnepnrinr at fiteuoii tnwiihar with 1 fetelebeil apart ai ante In tha aanaek. The Venom appobiiad meat have propor eartMeato, or taete-pired toohtaluaiatleiaaionr uue at ana Saakil application anriad Sohanlniaetee," to at OaudUatu eoeureaMriiet Ur thriw ryot Urihnnalik, to to ma, at my (Ml- Ohureli Skto Wwt Ihuinwlah, an TURDAY, tboHtbia lie Monacan, altar ranuaat Ua attamlanea vrifi pay thalr aranM By cedar. HENRY WARD, Ulerft.

Wbri Brarewleli. February lfTS. CM HE AlSKRbolijKRV COMPANY (LItUTlSl SbSfha mnKToO NOTUCOT1 UN "ol1? Ok ff AL BASDet WoritaAkdiklg-Vbine may te bom et the Unupeoyhi 5AbiEiSunDEK3 end WHBBL WRIGHTS. 1 Leeabwand end AahHb daeeriptlqn of BKNT TIMBK et H.WIIJ.IAtU md GOlE IdM SAVMftta, Ifea eonMaring tha appStettara, wilt by letter, I nf ante Candidate ue they ahaJI eriaU, anil rajteay faro (aatern tlakalaf. I Winn, aal ovary I and Aeh Vlanka, Tbeter Mafia factory.

Uajrea BALES BY PSTVATE C0ETRA0T. TjHB8T-CLASS OCBNER SUBURBAN LIQUOR VAULMtdolngalilfhly raapretmtoand lworitaUa trod Ml owfloautar. -r- tlOMecOomSxc5iLnit Pniti. HI TMPORTANTOENTRAL LIQUOR VAULTS, taking JL 30. wnaHr.

Loaes roar Kant low. bmtof 0tfi Low (tan XxBhanip Varaag High Hire SENTRAL LIQUOR VAULTS. in a landing tlioiwqrfa-V fine. AU oonotor tend Rant medarat Goadkaa ln-aomhtg fUJWkAow- High Skwt, 0iWARNruXD Snborban OLD-LICENSED jUPORTANT ComorSubnrban HOTEL, with Howliog l-laa ffilH TMPORTANT Comar RETAIL tCAVRBlt, JL Heath, near to Hyland rift brewing weekly. Low, LATTPB HILL, Oriffitat GRoORKY lifESfi and PRltet: end Amnwtmi Price about RH0.

Andy. Whlteliaiia 1 I I I I Lute iilDOE here rrcnivwl ri Jlliw to inferior on WXDXEKDAY nt 11 oelnafe npwanli at BD APPIJM, of teal fart and naUnary riwte, all to naaa tepellar Vhua Peariu Ohaeria Oueakteii la finamceiinaii (tadbn md Shrub OUraten tor wall of abotea Plant to tAmataan an7 and Pbote.taoB Ua Xlnik wSficeSn in arinwriarai (TOm Mam imaUoo, at Mngtey.lSU. II Mill amapwiialiir punetae oftho offOloret JtCWML 8TAN fjhO-bp SchTTiy freular, OAK OOPPIOE VroQUJivI JL riandiaa on ahont 96 am nnreor tan, at land, bdonqlng I gate tofkr Jnlia ala ham. Dark, and altl lata In uw uolgllhoarlioad I Iff) Praitiggn aad Kington. In rile county of Htoenad.

(WI x-r tad rruM-Skret, TMft pgWfngn aaa. rijtagt FOUTUSiE FOR ATRStST for Q- iMgsagf riMte.

The Birmingham Post from Birmingham, West Midlands, England (2024)
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Author: Ray Christiansen

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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

Phone: +337636892828

Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.